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It's Monday afternoon and I'm standing in line inside the school cafeteria (for once) with Harry. I forgot my lunch at home, so I have to buy it for today. I previously planned on getting something from the vending machine, but it's broken apparently, which means I'll have to deal with school lunch. I guess I'm not that hungry anyway.

I'm surprisingly having a good day, considering what happened yesterday (and this horrible lunch free morning).

There were a few people who asked if I was okay throughout the day but I shrugged them off and Harry awkwardly stood by my side whenever someone whispered about it in the hallways. Apparently, everyone in school knows about my outburst. I should be hurt that everyone knows a different version of the story but I can't really bother explaining anything to them since they probably won't listen to me anyway.

It's until I see Maeve staring at me out of the corner of my eye that I start to breathe with a little more difficulty. It's seeing her face after what happened that makes me go haywire. After what she did, I can't help it if my blood runs cold and I feel the need to hurt something-anything- just to let go of my rage. I don't know what her problem is, but she can't look away. Then I realize she isn't looking at me, she's looking at Harry. I tug his arm closer to me and tell him with a shaky voice, "Can't breathe. Fresh air."

My hands start to shake almost violently and he holds me, taking me away from the line. I didn't even get my lunch but I don't seem to care anymore. School lunch sucks anyway. When we reach the outside, I take a deep breath and count to four, releasing and counting to four again. I almost feel like throwing up. It's been a while since I've felt like this. It's been a while since I've felt this anxious about anything.

I'm grateful that the usual group of students who mess around here aren't present today. I think that would only make me feel worse. There's a girl in the far distance who's sitting alone but she's too concentrated on her phone to acknowledge our presence. I bet she wouldn't give two fucks as to why I'm out here, or anyone for the matter.

Harry taps my shoulder and smiles sympathetically. "You sure you don't want to call home? I can take you to the nurse, if you want."

"I'm fine. Just stressed is all." He nods and waits a little longer for me. I'm about to guide the both of us back inside, but there's a girl walking up to me with a smirk on her face, red hair blowing behind her shoulders with the wind, confidence radiant as she stands in front of me.

"Hey freak." She smiles. It's not directed towards me though. Rather more my brunette friend, Harry. "Can you leave? I need to speak with Adams."

I silently beg that he refuses and stays with me, but instead he glances at me one last time and mutters an almost inaudible "sure" and leaves before I can make him change his mind.

She waits for him to be completely out of sight before she turns to look at me. ''I hear you were looking for Liam and I yesterday, is that correct?"

I smirk at her. "Yeah, I was. Didn't find you. I figured you finally went back to where you came from. I guess the devil couldn't stand you either."

She gives me look of disgust and smiles, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pick your nerves. Let me start over. Why were you looking for Liam and I, darling?"

I almost scoff at her fake act. "I know what you did." I step closer to her, somehow wanting to intimidate her like I do to everyone else. She's taller than me by a few inches, so I have to look up at her to make eye contact. You can say it's a little weird for me to try and be scary towards someone who's taller, but I don't care. I want to make her cower down before me, possibly even play with her fearful state. I want her to beg for me to stop, for her to tell me to leave her alone. I just want to feel superior over her, just once. Maybe then I'll feel better about what she did to Harry.

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