Part 46 - Making it right

Start from the beginning

"Oh, that's weird!" Said Millie. Maisie felt sick, her heart rate began to quicken as panic set in.
Maisie looked up at Millie,
"What's weird?" Asked Maisie, nervously
"Well, I'm calling you but it's saying I'm calling someone else, I've already got this number saved as someone else" lied Millie
"I bought the phone off of someone else, maybe you had their number" Said Maisie desperately trying to get herself off the hook
"I don't think you bought your phone from this person, it's a friend of Dex's, she's famous" Said Millie. Maisie could tell from the smile on Millie's face that the game was up.
"Weird" Said Maisie

"Maisie the games up!" Scorned Millie
"Huh" replied Maisie, playing the innocent card
"You know what I'm talking about! It's you isn't it, you've been texting me trying to make me believe Dex was cheating on me!" Blasted Millie
"No I haven't" denied Maisie
"Maisie, don't you fucking dare! You ruined Dex and I's relationship, you pretty much ruined both our lives, you'll take some fucking responsibility for this!" Shouted Millie, worried other people might be able to hear her raised voice.
"Why? Why did you do it?" Snapped Millie
"I dunno" replied Maisie quietly, staring at an elastic band she was fiddling with.
"Bull! Tell me, do you like Dex? Do you hate me? What?! What we're you trying to achieve" snapped Millie
"I don't hate you" replied Maisie
"So you like Dex then?" Asked Millie
Maisie didn't answer
She was mad but she sort of understood, she'd been a fan, she'd been an unhealthily obsessed teen, she'd been an over dramatic teen.
It was already over, maybe she needed to let this lie.
She exhaled deeply, feeling defeated.

"Well, whatever you're intentions you succeeded. We've broken up so good job, I hope you're pleased with yourself!

he's 32! There no way he's going to touch a 16 year old so thanks for breaking us up for nothing! And by the way, Jesse told me everything so I already knew what you were doing!" Said Millie

Maisie didn't day a word, she just stared blankly at her hands on the table in front of her, embarrassed, humiliated and annoyed that she'd been caught out.

"Look Maisie, I don't care if you like Dex, the whole world does! But what you did was wrong and I can't work with you anymore, I can't trust you.
Grab your stuff and follow me" said Millie walking out of her office she tried hard to hold it together. She was so overcome with both anger towards Maisie and raw emotion as the magnitude of what she had lost finally hit her.
Don't cry, don't cry she told herself as she walked down the corridor with Maisie trailing some way behind.

She took the stairs, not wanting to stand in a lift with Maisie.
On the top floor Millie reaches the door to Ricco's office, she peeked around the door frame. Ricco was on the phone, he glanced up at her, immediately realising she was close to tears as she forced a small smile, Maisie appeared behind her, her jacket and bag bundled into her arms.

"Can I call you back?" Said Ricco, knowing something was wrong. He hung up the phone screwing his face up in confusion, wondering what had happened. He waited for someone to talk.

"Ri, Mais has something to tell you, don't you" said Millie, smugly.
Maisie was silent, she shifted awkwardly.
"Go on Mais, you obviously thought it was important enough to ruin my life for so it's important enough that Ricco should know, I mean you have been doing it in works time so as your boss, Ricco probably needs to hear about it" teased Millie. Knowing she was being pretty cruel, but Maisie deserved it, she needed to know that her silly childish games had real life consequences and that it affected real peoples lives.
Maisie stayed silent.
"What's this about Maisie?" Asked Ricco, growing more concerned at what had happened.
"Funny, you weren't so quiet when you were texting Dex were you?!" Said Millie
"Maisie? What happened?" Ricco pushed
"Nothing" replied Maisie, quietly, staring at the floor.
"Ok, fine, I'll tell him then" said Millie, getting
frustrated with Maisie's silence.
"You know those texts I was getting from Isy and all the others claiming Dex was cheating on me?" Millie started
Ricco nodded
"Well they were all fake, all sent by Maisie, for some silly little game. She went into my phone and got Jesse and Dex's phone numbers, she's been texting Dex trying to hook up with him and texting Jesse, bribing him into feeding her info that she could use to get to me.
Oh and the isn't interested in fashion at all, she only went for this internship to work with me so she could get to Dex" explained Millie, her lip quivering as she finished the last of her rant.
"What?!" Replied Ricco in disbelief.
"Is that true Maisie?" Asked Ricco.
Maisie just shrugged, not moving her eyes from the floor in front of her.
"I can't have her with me anymore Ri" said Millie, getting choked up she couldn't hold it together anymore as a tear fell from her eye.
"Babe, leave it with me, go on home, I'll see you there" smiled Ricco, trying to remain professional in front of Maisie, he wanted to give Millie a cuddle and wipe away her tears and he wanted to tell Maisie to get the fuck out of his office but he was their boss, he knew he had to follow official complaint procedures no matter how much he didn't want to.
Millie nodded and left the office, she walked out into the corridor closing his office door behind her, she leant against the back of the door and burst into tears.
She sobbed into her hands for a few moments, listening to Ricco interrogate Maisie with a barrage of questions on the other side of the door. The sound was muffled by the closed door but all she could hear was the mention of Dex's name. Her Dex. 
Millie pulled her phone from her pocket.

I love you

She went to her contacts list, selected 'Dexter Rose' and pressed send, pitting her phone back in her pocket before she could regret it.

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