New Plan

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Now to Tom, Matt and Edd

Tom, Matt and Edd had found a new place to live in but unfortunately they have to live now in three small, separarent apartments. Only Tom had a slightly bigger apartment than the others. They had all decorated there apartments already while Matt had his apartment full of pictures, mirriors and statures of himself, had the others there apartments normal decorated. They are all a bit sad because they lost ther old home and live now in small apartments but are glad that they are still together even when it is not in their old house. They are now all watching tv but are still thinking about what happend.

Edd's pov

I can't belive that Tord did this and i don't even know why he did this. I mean we were friends since kindergarden so why did he betrayed us like that. I miss him but he is not a real friend because a real friend wouldn't do the thing's that he had done. But i still hope that he isn't dead and realized the mistake he has done. I wanna forgive him but what he had done was just to wrong, he killed jon, destroid our house and even tried to kill Tom.

Matt's pov

I like my apartment, but i liked our old house more but Todd destroid it and i don't even know why. I am still angry because Todd because he punched me in my beauthifull face and now i have a black eye but i hope that it will be gone soon. I don't know where Todd is right now but i am not letting him near me anymore because i don't want him to hurt my face again.

Tom's pov

This stupide commie tried to kill me i really hope that he is gone forever. I was never his friend anyway, he always mocked me and so i mocked him back but i never thought that he will try to kill me. I wanna see him dead and if he isn't dead than i am going to kill him by my own for destroying our house, killing Jon and almost killing me. I can't forgive something like that and i always hated him but after that he is dead to me.

Back to Tord

I have to stop thinking about them and move on with my life. I have to be a good leader. I have to be strong. I have to take over the world and nothing is going to stop me. They aren't my friends and never will be they just want to see me dead. I went to the badroom and looked at myself in the mirror, the half of my face was full of gauzes like my right arm. I took the gauzes off and looked at all my wounds. I had so many wounds and some of them where deeper than others. As i put alcohol on my face and my arm to disinfect my wounds it sting and hurt so much that i cringed at the pain. After the pain slowly faded away i started to put on new gauzes. After i finished putting on the gauzes i went back to my room and thought about what i should do next then i noteced that i hadn't ate in a long time, so i ate the breakfast that my soldiers did for me. The Breakfast was made of scrambled eggs and bacon, it reminded me of Edd because he always made bacon and eggs in the past. Tears starded to form in my eyes but I have to stay strong and stop thinking about them. After i ate the breakfast i started to change into my Uniform and went outside my room to work as the Red leader again, but after i walked out of my room my face and my arm hurt so bad that i had to go to my room again. Patryk then came in and asked if i was alright ,,Yes I'm alright, it's just my face and my arm that is hurting really bad" I responded while looking at the ground. ,,Ok if it is getting worse then call me and Paul" Patryk told me. I nodded and thank him and he then walked out of my room, closing the door behind him. I then changed back into my red hoodie, black pants, and black shoes with white stripes at the sides and starded to make a new plan to take over the world, as soon as i had a good idea i brought it on a paper sheet to make a good and complete plan. It was late at night when i was finished with writing down the thing's i need for my plan and sketching down how the machine should end up looking for my plan. I was starting to get really tired so i went to sleep and was ready to build the Maschine of my plan at the next day.

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