15. Lover, Where'd You Go?

Start from the beginning

Mrs Xavier stifled a laugh, which caused Ash and Brendan to blink in surprise. "Calem never told me such a thing.." She admitted. Brendan grit his teeth again. "It was sweet of you boys to visit, I'll tell Calem you both came by.. but he is in Kanto now, so I suggest that you send him your wishes yourself. Have a nice afternoon." Mrs Xavier said, before she closed the door.

"Did you buy any of that crap?" Brendan asked Ash. The raven haired boy shook his head, "Nope." Brendan turned to Ash, "I'm going to get to the bottom of this.. theres absolutely no way Calem moved to Kanto.. he wouldn't leave without saying goodbye." Brendan admitted. "Calem wouldn't leave us like that.. he wouldn't.. leave me like that.." The brunette sighed.

The pair began to walk back to Ash's car. "I'm going to find my boyfriend.. I have a feeling his parents might have sent him somewhere.. but I doubt it's to some boarding school. Are you in?" Brendan asked Ash. Ash nodded, "Yeah man, whatever you need. Calem is like a brother to me." He responded.


Serena and Dawn entered the Berlitz household. "Hi girls! How'd you go today?" Johanna asked, from the kitchen. "Terrible." Dawn grunted, her knee still in a great deal of pain as she walked. "Ursula got us disqualified." Serena explained, before they entered the kitchen.

Dawn stopped walking, a wide smile forming on her face as Fantina stood beside Johanna. "Hi dear!" Fantina chimed, with her accent. "Fantina!!" Dawn boomed, racing over to hug the tall woman. Fantina laughed in response, as she put her arms around the smaller girl. "I shouldn't have done that.." Dawn confessed, as her knee throbbed in pain.

Serena smiled at the sight of Dawn being so excited to see Fantina, technically Fantina was her stepmother. "Do I have a new daughter?" Fantina asked, looking up at Serena. Johanna laughed, "This is Serena, Dawn's best friend. She's living with us." Johanna explained. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Fantina." Serena greeted. "It's wonderful to meet you too, dear." Fantina chimed.

Dawn pulled away from Fantina, before she hugged her mum, she explained to Johanna that her knee had been dislocated. Serena took her bags and Dawn's bags up to their bedrooms, before coming back downstairs, though she stopped when she got to the bottom stair, as she received a message on her phone.

Gary: Hey Sere, how'd today go?

Serena typed back

Serena: Pretty horrible, hey can I come over?

Gary: Sure, I have some catch up work I have to do though.. might pay a serpent to do it

Serena: Don't do that! I can help you with it

Gary: Fine.. see you soon?

Serena: I'll see you in twenty!


Iris entered Hilda's bedroom, holding a warm mug of hot chocolate, the top of it covered in chocolate powder.

"Hey babe." Hilda chimed, sitting on her bed. The brunette put her phone on her nightstand. "I brought you something~" Iris chimed, handing her the mug. "Naw, thank you Iris." Hilda boomed, taking it. She took a sip, enjoying the drink.

"Are you sure you're okay, after today?" Iris asked. Hilda put the empty mug on her nightstand. "I'm fine.. I'm pretty annoyed that we got disqualified though.." She admitted, before looking up at her girlfriend, "Are you worried about me?"

"You got shoved.. you were injured by that pigtailed bitch-" Iris began, before Hilda spoke up again, "There's nothing to worry about, I feel fine. Ursula is now off the team and we're going to do amazing at the next competition." Hilda boomed, optimistically. Iris just looked at her girlfriend, lovingly. She couldn't believe how optimistic she was, after what'd happened today.

"I love you.." Iris admitted, causing Hilda to smile brightly. "I love you too, ma cher~" She said playfully, leaning closer to Iris. Iris just grinned back, leaning closer to her girlfriend, before the pair began to kiss gently.

After a moment, the pair began to kiss more passionately, as Hilda moved her hands to sit around Iris' waist. One thing lead to another, and Iris had gently pushed Hilda back, so she was now laying on the bed, whilst Iris was on top of her. They'd moved their hands, so now they were intertwined, laying on the bed beside Hilda. They continued to make out, as they'd shifted positions.

Suddenly, Hilda's phone rang, causing the girls to flinch. They both groaned, as Iris sat up. "Who is ruining the moment this time.." Hilda huffed, as Iris reached over to take the brunette's phone from the nightstand. "Dawn." She said, answering Hilda's question.

Iris answered the phone, placing it against her ear. "Dawn, I love you, but this better be good." The purple haired girl huffed. "Hey sorry I uh.. need both of your help with something.." Dawn stuttered. Hilda looked at the phone confused, as she heard Dawn's stuttering tone. Gently Hilda took the phone from Iris and placed it against her ear, "Hey hunny, what's up?" She asked.

"Can you guys meet me at the diner in 20? May is coming too. I need your advice on something, I feel like I can't go to Serena for it." Dawn admitted. "We'll be there in 10." Hilda replied, before hanging up the phone.

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