Chapter XXII

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Weeks had passed and there was still nothing from Bricks or his family. He really meant his word when he said he didn't want to see Sai anymore and it was tearing her to shreds each and every day.

Sai'Yanna sat at the dinner table with Reagan, picking at her food like a child. Reagan couldn't help but notice her friend's irritation. "What's wrong Sai?" "I'm scared Reagan. What if I'm not fit to be a parent? What if I don't get a chance to find my happy ending? What if Bricks really done with me?" Reagan rushed to her side. "You can't think about that right now. Only thing you need to be worried about is those baby's. That's it. If it's real, Bricks gone come around Sai, but right now stop blaming yoself for this." Sai'Yanna knew that Reagan was right and as much as she use to tell Reagan she didn't want to hear it, Reagan was always right.
As much as she tried, she couldn't get Bricks off of her mind. She wanted more than ever to be done. Sai gave Reagan a comforting smile, getting up from the table and ascending up the stairs. Reagan let out a deep sigh, pulling out her phone, dialing Cassie's number. "Hello?" He answered. "I need you to come talk to Sai. She's been in the slumps for bout two weeks. All this stress gone wear her and those babies out." Reagan knew her girl had a lot on her plate but she also knew that Cassie was one of many who could make it all go away. It was something about him that soothed Sai'Yanna's whole aura. "What you mean babies?" He asked sternly. "She having twins Cass. She didn't want nobody to know until the shower but it looks like she ain't having one." Cassie took the phone from his ear, scrunching up his face. Damn, it's already bad enough she pregnant by this clown ass nigga but she pregnant with two of his kids. FUCK! He thought to himself. "Cassie? You hear me?" Reagan yelled through the phone, regaining his attention. "Yeah. I hear you Reagan, I'll be over soon as I can." "Alright, thank you." They ended their call.

Sai'Yanna was balled up in the bed, balling her eyes out. All kinds of thoughts clouded her mind. From; Bricks putting his hands on her, not hearing from Antonio or Peyton, the twins, catching up with Cassie, showing Silk the tape, Leena and LaShon, leaving New York. It was no way Sai could keep it together with so much shit weighing her down. Reagan knocked on the bedroom door before entering. "Hey Sai. I got somebody here wanting to talk to you." Cassie eased his way into the room, he couldn't stand to see Sai'Yanna so down. She looked awful, it wasn't like Sai'Yanna to look thrown away but Sai wasn't herself at the moment. "Hey ma. I came to see how you was doing." Cassie sat on the edge of the bed as Reagan left the two alone. Sai'Yanna didn't even look up, she stayed in the same position, letting the tears roll.
Cassie didn't know what to say to her, the only thing he wanted to do was hold her and make her feel like the queen that she was. In Cassie's mind, Sai'Yanna was everything, any man would be lucky to have a strong, smart, beautiful woman like her & Bricks really didn't deserve her. He took off his shoes, preparing himself for what he was about to do. He laid behind Sai'Yanna, pulling her into his arms and rubbing her stomach. "I'm here ma and I ain't going no where. Aight?" She shook her head as if she understood. She cried silently until she finally drifted off to sleep and Cassie did the same.

   Bricks woke up in the middle of the day with another random chick in his bed. In the past week, he'd been through a dozen of them, not once asking their name's. Ever since his fight with Sai'Yanna, he was spiraling out of control. He was drinking & clubbing more and working less & the last thing on his mind were his kids. He didn't even know that Sai was pregnant with twins and no one planned on telling him. He was sick over Sai, it was as if she took his heart with her when she was forced to leave his life.
   He nudged the sleeping beauty that was in his bed. "Aye ma, you gotta go. It's late in the day & I gotta out." She groaned, turning her head the other way. He let out a deep sigh, snatching the covers from her body. "Aye you got to go!" This time he spoke more sternly. The girl forced herself out of his bed, putting her clothes back on. Bricks bit down on bottom lip as he examined her figure. "What you looking at nigga? Ain't you begging a bitch to leave?" She asked giving him a death stare. "And you do. I gotta handle some business." "You call me every other night when you need you some company and to be honest, this shit getting old Benjamin", the woman said.
  "Look Nyla, it ain't even like that. You know we been fucking round since middle school." She laughed as she zipped up her thigh high boots. "That don't mean shit Bricks. I told you from the day we met that I'll always be here for you and you could tell me anything. And I know when some on ya mind because the way we were fucking last night had way too much aggression in it", she said meaningfully.
    "Ever since you found you a lil bitch you just be ape shit. Yeah I'm down to fuck whenever but coming second to a bitch who I know ain't got shit on me. I'd never do that to myself", she scoffed. Bricks let out a deep sigh as he took a seat on the foot of his bed. "You know how I feel about you Nyla but talking bout my ole girl, calling her out her name and shit. I ain't feeling that ma. So ima ask yo ass again to leave." She laughed at his reaction, grabbing her purse and headed for the door. "Call me when you get ya mind right." The door slammed as he rushed to lock it.
  All the pointless sex and drunken nights were getting him nowhere because when the charades were all said and done, Sai'Yanna flooded his mind. He missed everything about her, even how tough she was but vulnerable enough for him. He wanted to call, pop up, do whatever he had to do to get his girl back, but he didn't know how she'd react after all he's done to her.

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