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It was Thursday, I had just woken up, I looked at my side and my clock had
'1:13 p.m.' on red, glowing numbers. I rubbed my eyes a bit.

My door slowly opened and I startled, but it was my cat. I looked at them without saying a word, they looked back at me, it made a quick jump to my bed and snuggled into my blanket, I started to caress it.

I felt a sudden cold behind me, my cat perked up, looked behind me and hissed, BEN hissed back at the cat, and the animal ran out of my room.

The door closed by itself, I layed back down and covered myself with my blanket.

"Why are you here so early?" I asked him.
"Because you woke up. I wanted to check why, friends care for each other don't they?"

"Today is my 11th birthday." I said.
"Yeah, I know," Said BEN.
"I wonder what kids in my class will do, I'm very excited to be honest." I whispered.
"Most probable thing is that they'll use you as the piñata," Laughed the blonde, crossing his arms, floating next to me. I kept quiet for a moment, before talking again.
"I had a weird dream.. I don't know if it's just weird or it's bad.."
"A nightmare, Lexy. A nightmare." He corrected me.
"Yes, a nightmare. I dreamed I was covered in bugs, worms, maggots, and cockroaches, they were all over me.. I could feel them crawling all over my body, I felt terrified but I couldn't- I couldn't scream and- and then I woke up." I told him.
"Why is everything terrifying to you? You're such a coward."
"I'm not a coward.."
"You are." I kept quiet, he's always treated me this way.
"Anyway, you need to sleep. You'll look like a zombie in the morning." BEN said looking directly at me.
"I will." I responded.
"See you in the morning," He waved goodbye to me, and he dissapeared like if the thought of him vanished from my mind. I went back to sleep after 2 minutes, I was looking at the window.

Hours later, the continuous yet bothering sound of my clock indicated me it was time to get up, it waked me up for sure, I pressed the button for the clock to stop, and it did. I got up from my bed rubbing my eyes yawning.
I got up from the bed, walking to my door and opening and closing it after I was outside of the room, I walked downstairs to the kitchen, and my mom and dad looked at me smiling, I ran to them and hugged them. The morning went like everyday, getting ready for school, having breakfast, you know how it goes. I was brushing my hair, and BEN then appeared, but I kept on with my morning routine.

At the time I got into the school bus, many people from my class started to wave at me smiling, and wishing me a happy birthday directly.
"How is it that so many people are so nice to you? You're trash." Said the ghost.
"Maybe they just haven't noticed I am.."

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