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𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐘 𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 Avery, the rest of the day falls dull in comparison. My room is typical, but nice, holding a small bed with white sheets and a white comforter tucked on the sides. There is a white desk to match, and clean, tan carpet beneath my feet, which is exciting. It is fluffier and cleaner than the carpet at my house ever was and I can only imagine how it will feel to sink my toes in. The walls are white, too, but I'm surprisingly told I can choose to paint them if I wish. Only with supervision, of course.

"The room is really just yours," Fawn had told me, quaint hands behind her back as her eyes scoured the bare room.

"You can decorate it with whatever you wish to, as long as it is approved by us," Thomas added in, his back leaning against a window I had just now noticed. It baffled me, the window. I didn't think that would be approved, at all. It was dangerous; a patient could do many things with a window. Escape, for one. Or worse, I thought. The idea made me shiver despite the setting sun streaming through the glass.

Noticing my unease with the window, Thomas smiled.

"It's okay. Not every patient and not every room has a window. The only reason you do is because..." Thomas glanced at Fawn and the two seemed to a share a moment.

"Because your doctor recommended that you be in contact with the outside world as much as possible," Fawn finished, going to stand beside Thomas.

"This being said, if you cause any problems with what you've been given, it will be taken away and given to someone else," Thomas had said, firmly, too, which both shocked and angered me a little. I didn't like being talked to as if I couldn't handle the responsibility of a window.

After that, they had explained the schedule of the hospital to me.

Breakfast every morning from 8-9. Classes from 9:30 to noon, then lunch. Again, classes started at 1 and didn't finish till 3. What one did from 3-6, when supper began, was completely up to them. However, some days, I had been told, I would have therapy sessions or appointments with a doctor. After supper, 6-7:30, I was on my own for the night. Monday through Friday, the same thing everyday. The bright side, though, was that every weekend something was planned. Sunday evening was a time for visitors, but I had zoned out at that part because I knew there was no one I would ever see. I was on my own.

When the schedule had been explained, Thomas and Fawn had been on their way, leaving me with promises of talk soon. Now I sat on my bed and contemplated what to do. The clock on the wall said 5:50, which meant I had ten minutes before dinner and ten minutes to make a plan on how to get out of here. My first thought had been the window, of course, but it was locked, which wasn't surprising. It was disappointing, though. Thinking about it, however, I realized I was glad it was locked. There would be no joy in an easy escape and plus, if I was caught, I would probably have to move rooms, and I really liked the window. Sliding off the bed, I made my way to it and drank in the view. I could see the tops of the cookie cutter houses in this small town, even catch a glimpse of the downtown festivities that seemed to be taking place. I realized if I was able to see this much that the hospital must rest on some type of hill, which meant that getting away would be easier. It was much simpler to go downhill than uphill. I knew that both literally speaking and figuratively.

With the town in my sights and my knowledge of the downhill escape, I just had to figure a way out. The clock read 5:57. It was time to head out and scour my surroundings, as well as get some food in me. I opened the door and peaked outside, my hair swinging on my shoulders as I looked for other patients. I even surprised myself by looking for Avery, too. The hallway was empty, but I could definitely hear voices coming from somewhere. Near the elevator. I took a deep breath and took a step outside, letting my door click softly behind me. Right when that happened, the door across from me opened quickly and shut just as fast, a girl with red streaked hair meeting my eyes with the same startled expression.

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