Chapter 1: Acting weird and Running away

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Another normal day, it was the weekend so nobody would leave his/her bed so early. Just wake up so slowly and enjoy that warm day... However, it was a different situation for the Seville family, as one of them woke up 2 hours ago and went out to an unknown place. As that happened the man of the house, David Seville, knew about that, he was very mad. It's been like a month ever since Alvin started getting out of house without his permission! He called Simon and Theodor to discuss this after breakfast.

Simon: He escaped again??? But I put a security system in the door! Alvin cannot break free because the password was a complicated equation!

Theodor: Well...

Simon: What?

Theodor: Alvin lately was doing his math homework and even studying all of the subjects...

Dave: Something's weird with him, guys. What is he doing with all of this studying and escaping the house before sunrise?

Simon: I tried so hard to talk to him, even with the Chipettes' lures of video games and everything he likes... He keeps refusing to answer.

When the family went out the house, they started investigating by asking the neighbors and the school's teachers and workers. No answer, nobody seemed to know the problem with the red clad chipmunk. So, it was only a matter of a time before Alvin comes home, this time he was exhausted... As he returned, he met his angry family.

Simon: All right, Alvin. Talk.

Alvin: *Breathing heavily* About... What?

Theodor: you know about what, about you running out of the house!

Alvin: This is my business, none of you will understand.

Dave: I had enough with this situation, young man. Either you talk or you're grounded for 3 months!

Alvin: No...

Dave: Alvin Seville, go to your room!

Alvin: *Angrily* NO!

Dave: *Angry* Don't cross the lines with me, mister!

Alvin: You crossed the line by trying to interfere in my own business. But since you insist, all I can say is that if I told you everything, you'll stand against me laughing at me and thinking that this is some kind of a stupid joke! I am leaving! You have nothing to do with it!

Alvin ran upstairs, grabbed his bag, jumped from the window and ran as fast as possible to the unknown, leaving his family in confusion...

Chapter 2 may explain this awkward situation...

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