Chapter 3: Meant Well but with Any Price...

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While that mess, Alvin gathered the team members. Michael {12 years old, white skin, golden hair and blue eyes}, Lucy {13 years old, not white or black skin, dark hair and grey eyes}, Jason {14 years old, black skin, dark hair and light brown eyes}, Annie {15 years old, not black or white skin, black hair and dark eyes}, Chris {16 years old, white skin, green eyes and brown hair} and Jessica {11 years old, black skin, green eyes and white hair}. He looked at them with proud and said: "Tonight is the night where we, the Broken Angels, fix our wings and be free again. Ever since I met you, I vowed with everything precious to me that I would help each one of you. Jessica, I will help you to get rid of your brain tumor. Annie, I will help you restore your lost voice. Michael, I will help you and Jason to fix your broken bones. Lucy, I will help you get rid of your cancer as well. And finally Chris, I will help you see again. You all suffered the child abuse for long time now, you look now helpless, but I assure you, as long as your hearts there... It doesn't matter if you weren't able to see or talk, it doesn't matter if you were having illnesses and broken bones. Because these are just some stupid obstacles! I shall lead you to the victory! Boys and girls! Are you ready to let the world see you?! Are you ready to show the world that the abuse is nothing but an annoying insect that can be easily destroyed?! ARE YOU READY TO SHINE?!"

The band yelled in joy {except Annie}: "SIR, YES SIR!" Alvin held his guitar and yelled: "Let's do it!"

The show was big and awesome... The Tigers of the West gave an amazing show... Yet the judge, Carol Trout wasn't really impressed. When it was the turn of the Broken Angels, everyone took a seat to play an instrument. Michael and Alvin took the electric guitar, Annie took the saxophone, Jason took the drums, Jessica took the electric piano and Lucy and Chris were singers {Lucy had a strong voice, and Chris cannot play since he was blind}.

As they stood up, Carol asked: "So Broken Angels. What ya have for me this night?"

Alvin: Well, we planned to sing "Gospel of Dismay".

Carol: Okay, show me what ya got.

The way they sang, the way they played and the way they shook the entire area with their music. Carol Trout was more than impressed that she stood high and clapped for them.

Carol: I am not impressed, I am way more than that! What will you do if you win the prize?

Alvin: Well, we will use it to fix the injuries.

Carol: What?

Alvin: Chris wasn't able to play anything because he's blind, Annie wasn't able to sing solo because she cannot talk, and the rest need to do operations to get rid of their illnesses.

Carol: *Shocked* Wait hold up a sec... What happened to them?

Alvin: *Depressed* Two words... Child abuse.

Carol: No wonder... Guess what? You didn't win a million dollars...

Alvin: *Shocked* Wait but...

Carol: You won 2 million dollars! I give you all a million dollars gift from me to help your partners and to have a place for your own!

They were about to celebrate if it wasn't that scream. "Oh no you won't!" As they turned, they saw a man with a gun in his hand; that guy was none than the director of the team of The Tigers of the West. "You're not getting away with this, I demand you to give me the money, or this boy won't see the light again!" He pointed at Chris, who was terrified. However, nobody made any move, so the man was angry that he unleashed the bullet... The bullet didn't hit Chris, it hit the red-clad chipmunk who fell down the ground with a hole In his right shoulder.

As he fainted, he heard one word before everything goes dark... "ALVIIIN!"

I don't like this...

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