Have Some Incorrect Quotes Because I Can't Think Of Anything Right Now.

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Mumbo: Why are you telling me you ripped a portal to another dimension through your washing machine? Are you on drugs?

Grian: For the record, it was a dryer.

Mumbo: ThAt'S NoT tHe PoInT


-When Doc and Scar were interrogating Keralis-

Scar: Where do you live?

Keralis: With my parents.

Doc: Where do your parents live?

Keralis: With me.

Scar: Where do you all live?

Keralis: Together.

Doc: Where is your house?

Keralis: Next to my neighbour's house.

Scar: Where is your neighbours house?

Keralis: If I tell you would you believe me?

Doc: Tell us.

Keralis: Next to my house.


Grian, at a test, not knowing the answers:

1. In which battle did Napoleon die?
His last one.

2. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
At the bottom of the page.

3. The Ravi River flows at which state?
Liquid state.

4. What is the main reason for divorce?


EX: You need a hobby.

Season 1, Xisuma: I have a hobby.

EX: Being sad isn't a hobby:

S1Xisuma: :(


Cleo: If I die, my funeral is gonna be the biggest party and you're all invited.

Stress: "If."

False: Great, the only party I've ever been invited to and she might not even die.


Joe: You're very mature for your age.

S1X: Thanks, it's the trauma.


Joe: Where have you been?

S1X: Emotional Hell. How's your day going?


Python: DATING TIP: Hold the door open for your date. Rip the door off it's hinges. Use the door as a weapon to fight off other men. Establish dominance.

Jevin: I'm really beginning to see why you're still single.


Jevin: I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this.

Python: What do you mean?

Jevin: Don't you ever get that little voice in your head that tells you if you If something is going to get you in trouble?

10 other hermits, somehow hearing this question: no?

Jevin: that actually explain so much.


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