TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 75: White Dragon

Start from the beginning

Kato: So fast—

Kato tried to stop the attack but was thrown to the ground.

Sako: Onii-chan!

Cyclops: Wahahaha! You think you can sneak up on me weak exorcist!

Sako: Koneko!

Koneko entered Sako's body as Sako rushes to Kato. But her movement got stopped by the cyclops.

Cyclops: Where do you think you're going? -block Sako's way with its club-

Sako: Out of my way!

Sako tried to cut off the bat but her blade didn't even leave a scratch on it. Sako was paralyzed for a moment and the cyclops tried to smash Sako with its other hand. But before the cyclops hand hit the ground, it was frozen by Kazuma's ice. The cyclops got confused for a while then suddenly he got surrounded by flames

Cyclops: So cold! Now it's so hot!

Kazuma: Move it, Sako! We'll buy you some time!

Sako: Kazuma?!

Kotori: Go, Sako! We'll cover you!

Sako: Um!

Sako walked pass through the cyclops and continued running towards Kato. Kotori and Kazuma continuously releasing their attacks to the cyclops.

When Sako arrived at where Kato landed, she saw Kato was unconscious. She lifted her brother body and tried to call him a few times but there was no response.

Sako: No... Not again. It's just like the last time. I'm powerless. It's all my fault. I'm the one who caused this. I'm sorry, Onii-chan. I'm sorry.

???: Do you regret yourself?

Sako: Who's there?!

???: I'm still not visible for you to look at me. Even your current spirit can't detect me. Say, do you regret yourself?

Sako: Yes... Yes, I do.

???: Do you want to make things right?

Sako: Yes, I do...

???: What do you want to do now?

Sako: I want to save Onii-chan.

???: He's fine now. He's just unconscious because of the impact. He'll be fine when he wakes up. But that won't happen if you let that evil spirit alive.

Sako: But how? I'm not strong. Even Onii-chan that is stronger than me got beat up with one hit.

???: You're wrong. You're not weak. You just haven't realized how strong you are. With my help, you can beat that evil spirit. You can save everyone and you can save your brother.

Sako: How? How are you going to help me?

???: I'll lend you my powers.

Sako: Who are you anyway?

???: You can't figure it out yet? Well then, I'll show you.

A bright light illuminates the surrounding. A figure started to appear in front of Sako. It's in a shape of a dragon.

Sako: It can't be. You are...

???; I'm the legendary spirit of light. Holy dragon, Grandine.

Sako: Grandine...

Grandine: So, will you accept my power?

Sako: I-- -getting flashbacks of when Kato was controlled by his second spirit-

Grandine: Don't worry, I mean no harm. I won't control you like what that dark dragon did. You have my word, Sako Saguta.

Sako: Yes. Please, Grandine!

Grandine put its claw on Sako's forehead and started to vanished.

Grandine: I'll only lend you some of my powers since you're not fully ready yet. But after my power ran out, you'll immobilized for a while. You need to end it fast.

Sako: Grandine...

Grandine: Don't worry. When the right time comes, I'll be right your side to help you.

Sako: Thank you, Grandine.

Koneko: Well-well. It looks like I'll fall asleep for a while.

Sako: Koneko-chan.

Koneko: Don't worry. I'll be fine. Go for it, Sako-chan.

Sako: Yes.

Sako's appearance was changed due to Grandine's power. Her hair also turned white. The sword she held vanished and was replaced with a white dragon sign. She looks at the cyclops' way and then turned her face to Kato.

Sako: Now it's my turn to protect you, Onii-chan.

To be continued...

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