TSUIN UNMEI (Twin Fate) Chapter 64: Wendy's Past

Start from the beginning

Sako: Onii-chan's memories? What do you mean?

Karasumi: It is her power. You might not remember but she once saved you and Kato when you guys were on the verge of death. How much memories will it takes is depending on how bad is his wound. In his state, I assume a total of 12 hours.

Sako: 12 hours?! But that means...

Karasumi: He won't remember anything that had happen for the past 12 hours. But that was just my assumption. Maybe it will take more than that.

Sako: Onii-chan...


Sako: Please. Be safe. I need you. *sob* *sob*

Wendy: To-kun...

-Wendy's past-

Kato: Are you okay? Why are you crying?

Wendy: *sob* *sob* I fell on my knee. Now it's bleeding. It's hurting me

Kato: What?

Kato hold Wendy's knee and looked at the bleeding wound. Without hesitate, Kato licked the wound.

Wendy: W-What are you doing?!

Kato: I heard if you lick at the wounded place it will stop the bleeding fast. There. Now...

After that Kato pulled out a bandage from his pocket and wrapped it around the wound.

Kato: There. All good. How are you feeling?

Wendy: It's not as hurt as before. Thank you...

Kato: Your welcome. Oh yeah. What is your name?

Wendy: Wendy... My name is Wendy Kirisaki.

Kato: Wendy eh? Well I'm Kato! Nice to meet you!

Wendy: Kato... Can I call you To-kun?

Kato: Sure. You can call me whatever you want.

Wendy: Well then, thank you, To-kun!

Kato: Your welcome.

Kato and Wendy spends time together for a while after that. They had so much fun even though it was not that long.

Wendy: Hey, To-kun.

Kato: Yes?

Wendy: Do you have a girlfriend?

Kato: What?! Me? No. Why?

Wendy: Then, when we grow up can I be your girlfriend? I'm not from here so I may not be able to meet you. But if that day comes, will you make me your girlfriend? Please.

Kato: I... Sure! It's a promise!

Wendy: Really? Thank you, To-kun!

???: Kato. Where are you?

Kato: My parents is here. Goodbye, Wendy. I hope we meet again.

Wendy: Me too. I love you, To-kun!

Kato: Ahaha...

-Present time-

Wendy: Congratulations, Kotori Omada. You won. I won't show myself anymore. Goodbye, To-kun.

Wendy opened the portal to the normal world and entered it without looking back.

Sako: Wendy wait!

Karasumi: Let her go. She's our enemy now.

Sako: But-- Okay...

-the next day-

Kato: Huh? Where am I?

Kotori: -sleeping beside Kato while holding his right hand-

Kato: Kotori? Am I at the hospital?

Kotori: Zzz... Kato... You dummy...

Kato: Eh? (She's sleeping. How did I end up here anyway? The last thing I remember is I was at home after we returned from the COSMO headquarter. Maybe I was secretly sent here while I was asleep.)

Kotori: Zzz...

I was curious of how I ended up being in the hospital. Kotori was sleeping on a chair while putting her head on the bed while holding my hand. I looked at her face and noticed her worried look. I gently rub her head and she respond with a grin. Then, Sako entered the room and saw me awake. She was not alone. She was with a woman about 20 years old.

Sako: Onii-chan! You're awake!

Kato: Sako?

???: Glad you're okay.

Kato: Eh? Who are you?

Sako: Well uh. This is... How can I explain this to you? Ermm. Ah! This is Kireina!

Kato: Eh?

Kireina: Hihihi.

To be continued...

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