(2) you better not cry

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Applejack and Granny Smith arrived in the living room at roughly the same time to find the assembled ponies in quite a state. Applebloom was trying to console Sweetie Belle's unyielding screams even as her own eyes ran with tears. Scootaloo was holding a shrieking Diamond Tiara by the tail and using all the strength in her little body to keep the filly from running towards the now dry and cold fireplace. Button Mash simply sat on the couch, unmoving, small streams of tears running from his wide eyes.

All attention was on the fireplace.

"What in the hay's is goin' on in here?" Applejack demanded.

The pony’s heads snapped to her as one and the farmer found herself suddenly besieged by the five ponies. They all talked at once, their words muffled by each other's voices and their own sniffles.

"One at a time!" Applejack shushed the lot as best she could, her eyes locking with those of her little sister. "Applebloom; what happened? Why's everypony so upset?"

Before Applebloom could say a word, Granny Smith finished her headcount. "And where did that Silver Spoon get to?"

Applebloom's resolve broke at the sound of Silver Spoon's name and she plunged her face into her sister's neck to muffle her cries of horror. "Something took her!"

Her sister's hot tears in her fur urged Applejack to action. "Who took her?!"

"We don't know!" Button Mash had taken Applebloom's place in comforting Sweetie Belle, whose screams had now petered off into rapid, panting sobs. "This chain thing came out of the chimney and just pulled her away!"

Granny Smith stopped in her comforting of Diamond Tiara and Scootaloo and froze. "You say a chain took her?"

Button Mash nodded quickly and wiped his muzzle clear of mucus. "Something blew the fire out and then this chain just shot out and grabbed her."

Diamond Tiara's eyes fell upon the fireplace and she made to run to it. "We have to save her! We have to..."

Granny Smith pulled the squirming filly against her and leaned close to her ear. "She's gone, gumdrop. I'm sorry, but she's already gone."

Diamond Tiara looked up at the old mare in confusion. "How do you...?"

From upstairs came the sound of shattering glass and the rush of wind.

Applejack's eyes widened in fear. "The doggone wind blew in a window! I better go see if Mac needs help."

Granny Smith looked apprehensive but ultimately gave a curt nod. "Go check it out. But be quick. And keep away from the windows."

Applejack looked at her grandmother. "Why...?"

"Just do as I say, girl!" Granny's voice was as harsh and severe as the crack of whip. The assembled ponies jumped at her tone, even Applejack. "Nevermind fixin' any broken windows you find. I take it you didn't find Marble?"

Stunned at Granny's taking charge, Applejack just nodded.

"Then she's upstairs. Fetch her and your brother and get back down here lickety split, ya here?"

Again, Applejack nodded.

Granny watched as her eldest granddaughter mounted the stairs and started up. She turned attention back to the little ponies around her. She focused on Applebloom and Button Mash as the two who seemed to be most in control of themselves. "Now it's startin' to get mighty chilly in here already. You two take the others into the kitchen to get warm by the oven. I'll see to this fire."

Applebloom opened her mouth to protest Granny's going near the fireplace but found a wrinkled green hoof blocking her words. "I'll be fine, I promise. I know how to keep safe." Without explaining any further, she nudged the little ponies towards the kitchen door and made for the fireplace.

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