Part 4

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Life is a game, so there's no point fixating on the mistakes made while learning the ropes.

When you love something, you fix it when it breaks. You don't go out and get a new one.

And even if it doesn't work as well as it did before, or it changes little by little, you still hold onto it because even if it isn't the same as before, the joy & memories it brings is something you can't find anywhere else. And keeping it, is worth that much more. And should the day it no longer brings joy or is too broken to repair ever comes, let it go. Let it go, and remember it fondly but do not wallow for it's return. Because everything has its time.

The standards that should be high but not out of reach, are the ones you have for yourself; and not meeting them on occasion should not break you, it should remind you how awesome you are for meeting them.

When life knocks you down, sweep the leg.

The toughest people, have been hit with the biggest stones.

Life will always throw stones at you. But eventually you learn to either dodge or catch.

Your first thought is what you've been conditioned to think. Your next thought is what you think at first glance. And your final one, defines who you are.

Success doesn't come and find you. This is a game of hide and seek, you're it, and that f***er's goooood but it can't hide from you forever.

When you love something, you don't give up on it until you know it's time has passed.

No matter what they say, I am strong. I am capable of whatever I believe I am. No matter what happens, I can make it okay. What I want, matters. My happiness matters. My thoughts matter. My words matter. I matter. What doesn't matter, is what they think. No matter how they've made or will make me feel, I will endure. Simply because I know I can.

Don't bother with the people who don't like you. Focus on the people who do.

All the pillows in all the nations, could not deprive me of sleep deprivation.

Practice isn't meant to be perfect. Practice is meant to fuel your ship to success.

The thing about building walls to protect yourself is, by doing so, you trap yourself in. So don't build walls. Build a fortress with a gate and thorough customs for who gets to walk through it.

It's okay to not know everything about everything, that's why the 'question' was invented.

Dream when you're dead. Set goals and no matter how long or hard the trek is to achieving them, try.

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