Part 3

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Simple words used creatively are better than big words used relentlessly.

Everyone deserves to be the best version of themselves they can be.

There is a thin line between insanity and desperation.

We're not meant to never change. Changing for the worse is still better than not changing at all. Because eventually we'll change for the better once again. So long as we keep changing.

Growing up doesn't mean no longer liking or doing things you loved as a kid. It means tolerating and doing things you don't like for the sake of what you love. That and developing an unrivaled appreciation for bedtime.

Life isn't fair but that was an especially cruel move.

A soul is a torturous burden. But that's the price we accepted for the power to shape our realities.

Be who you are and you'll be the boss. And your boss will be sexy.

Your words don't mean anything without what's behind them.

A key is useless if you don't know where the lock is. But lock picks work on almost everything.

You can drift with the wind as long as you don't listen to the whispers, but remember, it still howls.

No matter what anyone says, you'll always have regrets. That's how you know you've lived.

No one will remember the misses. It's the hits that count. So take as many shots as you need, and try to get just a little bit closer every time.

The best way to find a golden opportunity is to pepper the board. No matter how small the flakes may seem.

Isn't it sad how the most beautiful things come through the most tortured of souls.

Isn't it sad how the most beautiful things come seep from those with the biggest cracks.

Pain can shape anyone into a philosopher or something they never expected.

Chill pills are for those without a sense of humor.

A.B.O.R.T. - A Book Of Random  ThoughtsWhere stories live. Discover now