Road Trip with a Good Soundtrack

Start from the beginning

"Please promise me that the tack room and stables are not getting done until I get there?!  You need to know something, it's a secret not many people know.  One, I have OCD and two, horse people are really weird about how everything gets arranged.  And you'll get a pedicure with me?"

"The stables are all yours to set up or tell someone how to set it up.  I already figured out how weird horse people are, and I can't wait to get a pedicure with you.  We'll do one of those weekend couple retreats if you want to, as soon as your casts are off."

Helping me balance and stand without weight on my leg, he begins to dry me off.  Some parts he's trying to dry with his hand.   "Shooter, use a towel, you're never going to get my boobs dried off with your hands."

"Oh baby, I wasn't drying them off, I was fondling them.  Here, let me help you with the t shirt."  

He picks me up and carries me to the kitchen table, and just, wow!  Candles, flowers, pasta, music that is not trying to eliminate my eardrums.  I smile, because I love this cd.  I don't even remember when I last listen to Frank Sinatra.  He puts me down, placing my feet on top of his boots and begins to dance me around the kitchen.  I look up smiling and just embracing the moment, just wanting to pause this moment, because I know it's gonna speed up soon.  He slides his hand down my back, moving his hand to rest on my butt.  He stops dancing and looks down at me, no heat, no lust, just love, acceptance, appreciation, warm.  With this look, I think I get how the Grinch felt, when his heart grew.

"Come on, let's eat before it gets cold."  He sits me down, sliding his hands down from the back of my neck to hold my face in his giant hands, he leaves me with a gentle kiss against my lips and whispers "I love you."

We eat in comfortable silence, enjoying being next to each other.  We finish eating and I wait in the kitchen with him, while he finishes cleaning up.  Then he carries me to the living room, and we snuggle up on the overstuffed couch.  I've never liked this couch, it always felt like it was drying to eat me and suck me down below the cushions to its dark hollow belly.  Sitting next to Shooter, I've changed my mind.  I love this couch.  I'm practically laying on him, as best I can with my arm still in a cast.  With my head on his shoulder, I run my fingers through his dark hair and it just relaxes me even more.  I'm getting sleepier and sleepier.

"Baby, do you want to go get in bed?  You could stretch out and be more comfortable."

"No, I'm very comfortable right where I am."

He kisses my temple and just continues to hold me, rubbing his hand up and down my arm.  I feel such a sense of peace and calm, and so very protected.  I drift off to sleep.  I sleep so sound that I don't even know when he carries me upstairs and gets in bed with me.

I sit up in bed, looking around.  I realize I'm in my bed now and Shooter is next to me, sleeping.  Something woke from a sound sleep; I don't know if it was a sound or a dream.  My heart is racing and I'm sweating.  I sit here a minute try to reorient myself, when Shooter props on an elbow, I know he's worried about me.  Just knowing someone tried to kill me, maybe I'm getting paranoid.  The man did tell me himself that I was supposed to be dead.  I trust the people who are guarding here and will guard me when I get to Florida; I know Shooter would do anything to protect me, but he's only one person.  He places his hand on the side of my face. 


"I thought ---- I don't know.  Something woke me up."

He pulls his head back down on his shoulder.  "Rest baby, I've got you and no one will get you.  I love you."

"Love you."

I wake up and look at my girl, thankfully she's still asleep.  I know she's worried and the threat is beginning to get to her.  I wish I had the words to take away her fear.  Of course, I'm making some really big promises, I just hope my mouth isn't writing checks my ass can't cash.  It's only six fifteen, I kiss her lips gently, and carefully crawl out of bed to go downstairs and start breakfast.  I'm going to use the regular coffee maker, I already packed the French press, maybe or maybe not on purpose.  Pouring two cups, I carry them both to the front porch.  I want to talk to the guys who are on watch today.  Opening the door, I don't see anyone.  I walk around the house and still no one.  There's not a bike in the street.  I go back in the house and upstairs to get my phone. Calling the pres of the local club, he said Greaser called and told him not to come, since we were leaving today.  I grab my gun and begin clearing the house, starting at the top.  

After the house is clear and all doors and windows are locked, I call the local detective working on the case and tell him what I found out.  He's going to see if he can get the phone number from where the call was made.  Next, I call her doctor and ask them to refer her to a doctor in Florida, that something has come up and we're leaving today.  The detective sent a patrol officer out to look around the house, to see if there is anything out of the ordinary.  Thankfully, she's still asleep and I begin packing up her truck.  Once the truck is loaded, I put the cat in the kennel and he goes into the truck, I call the real estate agent and let them know we're leaving now.  I go back upstairs to wake her up and she's sitting up in bed.

"Baby, we're leaving today.  I've got the truck loaded except for your small bag.  There's a patrol officer here, checking the outside of the house and keeping watch until we leave.  Your cat is in the truck, I've called the doctor, the detective, the real estate agent and told them.  I need to call your dad and the bar manager, but I can do that from the road."

I know I've just dropped a bomb on her and she's in shock.

"Do you want breakfast before we leave, and do you need help getting up?"

"No, I'm not hungry.  You go ahead and make the rest of the calls; I'll use the crutch to do what I need.  Can you hand me my leg brace?"

"Sure. Here let me put it on for you. There, I'm not going beyond the top steps."

She hobbles into the bathroom and closes the door.  Making the call to bar manager, she said she would handle everything on that end and if they had a problem they would call, only if they can't handle it themselves.  I make the hardest call, so far.  I have to call Tank now.  He answers on the first ring.

"Tank, we're leaving today.  The other club wasn't on guard last night.  The pres said Greaser called and told them not to go, because we were leaving today.  I called the detective and told him, and he sent a patrol officer to look around the outside of the house.  Something woke her up last night."

"Ok, I'll call church for this afternoon, mandatory.  She can have my room until her apartment is ready and I'll take a small guest room.  Call me as soon as you're on the road.  Call me every time you stop and if you see something odd.  This is not about the club; it's about protecting me girl."

"I agree, and I will.  We should be there sometime tomorrow morning."

"Take care of me girl and see you then."

The line clicks and I turn around to see if the door is open and she's just watching me from the foot of the bed.  I know her fear just ratcheted up another notch.  I stand and walk to her, giving her a gentle kiss on the lips. Holding her face between my palms, I look into her eyes and poor every bit of confidence in what I have to tell her.

"Baby, it's going to be ok"

She just nods her head and I get her bags to carry to the truck.  She holds her laptop, phone and chargers.

"I'll be right back."  

I jog down the stairs and the patrol officer is standing behind the truck.  I let him know we're almost ready.  I go back upstairs and get Sarah Grace to carry her downstairs.  I hold her close to me all the way to the truck. She's looking at the house like it's the last time she will ever see it.  The real estate agent said she would do a final walk through to make sure there is nothing personal left. I pull the door closed and make sure it's locked.  Putting her into the passenger seat, I reach over and buckle her up.  I walk around and get in, I look at the house, knowing I can't see what she sees, I look back at her, "Are you ready?"  She barely nods and I back out of the driveway to head to our future.

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