e l e v e n

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the only word that could be used to describe this date.

the date was hosted at a simple yet elegant restaurant in downtown seoul, and most of the group felt very out of place. the only person who felt somewhat at peace was yeosang, who grew up in a higher class family, but gave it all up to live his own life.

after all the couples arrived and were seated together, introductions were needed, for not everyone knew each other.

once all of their drink orders were placed, including a bottle of wine, the group started to talk among themselves to better get to know each other.

"-and that's how san waxed half of his eyebrow off!" as the group of friends laughed at wooyoung's story, san sat beside yunho, who was trying not to chuckle, and pouted.

"to be fair, i was extremely drunk and wooyoung shouldn't have left his wax strips laying around."

"it's okay, sannie, even though i can't relate someone will." yeosang snorts at his own comment, and san sighs as he sips his glass.

"woah, big money alert. look who just walked in." san perks up at seonghwa's comment, but his heart almost feels as if it stops beating as he turns in his seat to see who just entered the restaurant.

his boss, along with his wife and teenage daughter, walk into the restaurant, dressed to impress, and san just wants to hide under the table and die. he's gonna get so much shit if his boss turns around and sees that san is here with another alpha.

yunho quickly picks up on san's scent, his sweet smell of berries turning rotten, and he whispers in his ear. "are you alright? do you want to go home?"

as much as san wants to jump out a window and hope that his boss doesn't see him, he can't just leave, they haven't even gotten their food yet.

"no, everything's fine. i'm alright." he quickly tells yunho a lie.

but as san sees that his boss is getting seated two table in front of him, his breathing becomes shallow and he grips the table, hard, as they make eye contact.

i'm so fucked.

its obvious that the group is on a date, their seated in pairs and hongjoong had the wonderful idea to color cortinate. hongjoong and mingi were green, jongho and yeosang are pink, wooyoung and seonghwa are purple, and san and yunho are red.

san thought it was cute, but now while he's sitting here with his boss giving him a death stare, he can't help but want to disappear.

almost as if on cue, their waitress come with a cart full of their food, and san thanks god that she's blocking his view. once all their plates had been given to the right person, they begin eating, containing their conversations as if nothings wrong.

the smell of the restaurant combined with their delicious food, no one can smell the distress coming off san as his phone goes off, signaling a text message.

"are you gonna answer that, san?" mingi ask innocently.

if only you knew.

"no, who ever it is can wait." he tries to smile, but on the inside he can feel his determination to not let his boss ruin this date die and wither away, and he hasn't even spoken to him.

the rest of their date goes fine, they talk about any and everything, and even though it's a early sunday night, most of the group must return home? for they have to do to work the next day.

including san.

they pay their bill, which is very lengthy, considering eight grown men have just ate the entire menu, and they meet outside in their respected pairs.

"i had a lot of fun, thank you for coming everyone!" hongjoong smiles and bows, and everyone wishes each other a good night and makes their way back home.

yeosang and jongho hop into their car, as do seonghwa and wooyoung. mingi walks hongjoong home, as he doesn't live far away, and san convinces yunho yo let him take him home.

"you shouldn't have to, i can just take the bus!" yunho explains embarrassingly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"i don't mind, you paid for my meal, it's the least i could do."

after they go back and forth for ten minutes in the parking lot, san happens to glance over at the entrance, and for the second time that night he wants to cry.

once again, his boss has appeared, making his way to his vehicle with his family in toe.

he looks furious.

san has gone out on a date with another alpha, ignored his message, and now is flirting with said alpha in front of him. he's going to regret this tomorrow.

"hey, are you alright? we can leave if you want.." yunho says quietly, observing san's boss from the corner of his eye.

san nods, and immediately slides into the drivers seat with yunho jumping into the passenger seat.

after yunho puts his address into san's gps, they drive in comfortable silence to his apartment.

once san parks and turns to say goodbye to yunho, his words are caught in his throat when the alpha grabs his hands.

"san, that man..who is he? after he came into the restaurant you changed, and the parking lot..you were scared."

san cringes and looks down at their linked hands.

i could tell him everything..i could let it all spill.

"he just..gave off bad vibes. he was looking at me strange, and i didn't like it. i'm sure i won't see him again."

"are you sure, san?"



san can tell that yunho doesn't believe him, but he doesn't say anything else about it.

"i'll text you, alright? thanks for tonight." and with a parting smile, yunho exits the car, and not until san sees that he's made it into his apartment safe, does he finally check his phone.

fuckhead (mr.cheong)

i'll see you at work tomorrow. come to my office immediately or get a even worse punishment.

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