
"Good. People are talking about you being here. Does it matter to you?"

Not exactly paying attention to whatever he said and too drunk to care about what he will say about it, I got a little bit closer to him. With my eyes closed, I could almost feel his smile.

"Maude said that I accepted the bond. What was that suppose to mean? I guess it's different from the vampires." Maybe it means that when I'm drunk I want to feel his skin on mine and when I'm sober I won't admit it.

"It's the same thing. We both got aroused last night." It was only fair. He couldn't hide his arousal and I couldn't hide mine either since he would smell it.

There was a few moments of silence between us. Seeing him so calm and collected, I thought about how different he was from how he was described in the legends.

"Have you killed your wife?" The words that slipped my mouth made him tense completely. If the alcohol wasn't in my system, I was sure I would've even see his face changing.

"We shouldn't talk about it now." Cupping my ankles with his hands, Armand started to draw small circles with his thumbs. His touch felt right and I felt a small tingle in the place he moved his finger.

What if he moved that finger in other places? My heart has become to beat faster since I was getting aroused again and the need for him was getting stronger.

"So you did." I finally said. Tightening his grip around my ankles, Armand did nothing else but making me get even more excited. Not scared of him, knowing that he wouldn't hurt me physically right now, I waited for his next move. He probably did smell my arousal until now, but he was trying to ignore my needs.

When he sighed, I understood that he didn't want to talk about it. But I knew it was true. He truly killed her. He was such a pathetic excuse for a man.

With all that, I still really wanted to run my hand through his hair. I was still attracted to him and I was still aroused. Do I even care about what he did? Does it even matter? I know he would not touch me in that way.

I was so going to cry about this tomorrow.

"I want you to be happy, Irma." He said while he finally got on top of me, pleasing me.

I knew what he said was complete bullshit. He was stuck with me just like I was stuck with him and we weren't happy about the whole situation. He didn't want a human mate and I wasn't into wolves either.

Though, I really wanted to kiss him.

"I want to kiss you too." He said in a low voice. "I want to fuck you too. I want to hear you screaming my name and forget yours." Feeling him getting hard between my legs, I could almost kiss myself for choosing to wear a dress.

He leaned his head closer to mine, taunting me. His eyes were dark and filled with lust and that made me tremble under him. I could just push him a little and our lips would connect. Or maybe he knew I didn't have enough force to pull him down without him wanting it. We were so close to kiss. So close.

"But I won't." He suddenly said, getting up from me with his unreal speed. "I won't do anything with you." He ran his hand through his hair and I could see his frustration taking over.

Taking me suddenly into his big arms, Armand carried me around bridal style. Laughing at my position, I got my face closer to his neck so I could smell him better. Before I could realize, he tucked me in bed, covering me with a blanket.

Well that was too fast for me.

"When I'll kiss you, when I'll make love to you or when I'll fuck your brains out, I want your mind, your heart and your body to be mine all the time, not only when your drunk. After all, I have an eternity to wait." He kissed my hand and got up, trying to leave the room.

The thought of him leaving made me sad. He was going to leave and I had no clue when he was coming back or if he was coming back. He won't let me down, will he?

"I'll try to be back soon." He answered to my unasked question, only to prove that he was still in my head.

"Armand," he stopped right in front of the door and waited for me to continue. "Come back to me."

I was so going to regret everything tomorrow.

"Goodnight, love." It was the last thing he said before he left me alone in the darkness.


Irma in the media.

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