Chapter Three

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Liz's POV
I woke up a little while later and decided that I wanted to go watch the water fairies. I carefully slipped out of my mates arms, making sure he didn't wake up. I used magic to change into a blue, glowing dress. I usually ended up dancing with them in the end. I walked over to the lake and watched them dance for a while. After some time, I stepped onto the lake and bowed to Lilliana- the oldest water fairy and my dance teacher. After I bowed, I began to dance. I leaped and twirled in the air before landing before dancing faster. It had been too long since I last danced. I would have to do it more often.

Diavial's pov
I jolted up and looked around. My arms were cold, so she had been gone a while. I quickly got up and walked towards the lake. She had a habit of dancing late at night. I sighed in relief when I saw her dancing, gracefully, and beautifully- I might add. I sat down and watched her dance, contently.

Maleficent's POV
I walked with Aurora to the lake, I wanted to show her the water fairies. They danced beautifully at this time of night. When Aurora and I walked out of the forest and made it next to the lake, I saw my daughter dancing for the first time in years. I missed watching her dance and have fun. I spent most of my time with Aurora and trying to fix my curse. I felt horrible once I realized that I hadn't spent much time with my daughter.

Aurora's pov
I enjoyed my time in the Moors. It was like my second home. I loved all the fairfolk and my pretty bird. I didn't like Fairy Godmothers daughter. I was used to getting all of their attention. So I was mad when Fairy Godmother and Diavial paid attention to her. I wanted to stomp my foot, but I needed to keep my cool and pretend to like her.

Liz's POV
I stopped suddenly and looked at my "audience." I pulled up my mask when I saw Aurora. "Hello, mother, Aurora, Diavial." I went to fly away, but Diavial had me in his arms before I could say thorn bush. "No, this is your punishment. If you behave, I will give you a reward." He whispered in my ear, and I nodded. He growled and turned me around while I growled at him. "Words petite Amore, use your words." He told me in frustration. "I understand, Mi Amore." I told him, and he kissed my forehead. I sighed, and we headed over to Mother and Blondie. "Hello dear, I have missed seeing you dance." liar, or else you would have asked me to dance for you. Like you did when I was little. I thought to myself. "Why is Aurora here anyway? Isn't it past her bedtime?" Diavial pinched me, and Mother shot me a look. "I just wanted to see the water fairies." Aurora whined lightly. Mother nodded and agreed with her. Right, I forgot, mother's favorite. I sighed sadly and slipped out of his grip before I flew off. I flew to my light cave, which sat on one of the floating mountains.

Third person pov
Aurora grined slightly, while Maleficent and Diavial tried to figure out what was wrong. Lilliana flew up to Maleficent and started to speak angrily. To Diavial and Aurora, it just sounded like a bunch of high-pitched bell rings. She quickly explained to Maleficent what was wrong with her daughter, making sure to make the mother feel bad. Maleficent raised her hand, and Lilliana stopped talking. "I can not go to her. She usually hides in a spot that I can not get to without my wings. If I send her mate, will you guide him to her?" She asked, and Lilliana nodded, and Maleficent turned Diavial into a bird. He quickly followed the small fairy. He didn't understand what was said, but he would fix it.

Liz's Pov
Not even ten minutes later, Diavial has found me. What surprised me was that Lilliana was here, too. " I spoke to your mother. She didn't realise what she was doing. So I spelled it out for her. She wishes to apologize but she can't come to you herself." I just rolled my eyes. "I bet she was just dying to come after me. She doesn't care anymore. She has her precious Aurora. Why does she need me anymore. I'm just a reminder of what happened to her." I said bitterly, Lilliana sighed but flew away, properly to tell mother what I said. "What do you want, Diavial? Don't you have Aurora to amuse. Pretty bird." I said the last part in disgust. He squawked angrily at me and then landed on my knee. "Get off my knee, please. I don't need it to break." I said emotionlessly. He got off and sat on the ground. "Into a man." I said, as a twirled my finger. He hugged me tightly as I sobbed into his shoulder. "I love you, Elizabeth, not Aurora. My sweet girl is right in my arms. That's all I need. Your mother and I have been trying to fix her mistake. She didn't know or realise that she was neglecting you." He said, desperately wanting me to understand.
   I huffed out a wet laugh. "Yeah, right, she is too focused on her self-proclaimed Goddaughter. She doesn't need me. She has Aurora. Perfect little Aurora, sweet, precious Aurora. I know Mother has offered her shelter in the Moors, but this it my home. I don't want to share with the human. She might turn out like her father. I know he's both our father,but I refuse to acknowledge him as such." I told him, upset with my mother. He kissed my forehead. "Can we spend the night in my nest?" I asked quietly. He looked confused for a moment, so I pointed to the cave. "That's my nest, Mi Amore. I prefer privacy." I told him with an eye roll, and he grinned at me. "I was wondering what your nest was going to be. You've never called any of the trees we sleep in your nest. This makes much more since." He said with a fond smile. I giggled a little bit beforehand, looking at him shyly. "I've kinda prepared it for our mating. I was hoping we could mate soon." I told him shyly. He petted my hair. "whenever you're ready and not a moment sooner." He told me firmly.

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