No# 14

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The weeks had come and gone since that fateful night. The incident with Claire had made me realize that I didn't trust Shawn, even though I wanted to. Things with Claire's father had gotten worse than ever and the boys and I found it best to get help for her. I couldn't hold things in anymore so I told Cory's parents and they got the police involved. We sent Claire on a train to Vermont to live with her aunt and supposedly, her dad was going to counseling. To be honest, I never wanted her to come in contact with him ever again. He had his chance with her and he ruined it. Kinda like what I had done with Shawn. We had been broken up for some time and things were becoming increasingly painful. Cory and Topanga were both our friends and it had become awkward to even be with them. When we hung out, I didn't say anything and became reclusive. It didn't take much for Topanga to call me out on it. Cory and Shawn were walking away to play pool and I could see her eyes traveling over to me.

"N/N, you haven't said anything this entire time."

I shook my head.

"There's nothing to say. Shawn is moving on, I messed it up. I let my trust issues get in the way. He told me that his player ways were behind him and I didn't believe him."

"Well, have you talked to him about it? I'm pretty sure that Shawn still really likes you! Come on, you have to say something to him. You guys didn't have Thanksgiving together, even my birthday party was awkward."

I shook my head again and pulled my sweater closer to my body.

"I'm sorry about your birthday, Topanga. I know that I need to talk to him, in fact, I planned on it but I just couldn't. I just wasn't ready, I'm still not. I-"

Before I could finish my statement, a tall, beautiful, blonde walked in and went right up to Shawn. I watched in horror and shock as their lips connected and my heart broke into a million pieces.

"N/N...," Topanga trailed off.

I slowly stood up on shaky legs and made my way over Shawn.

"S-Shawn. Can we talk?"

The blonde gave me a dirty look before scoffing.

"Why do you need to talk to him?"

"Babe, it's fine. Yeah, sure we can talk."

I fought back tears as I pulled him to the side of the room.

"Jennifer Bassett, Shawn! We've only been broken up for a month..."

"Yeah, Y/N. A month! It's been a month since you decided to call it off because you didn't trust me! Now I'm with someone who does!"

"She doesn't trust you. She doesn't even like you! She's...she's just using you!"

I saw anger flash in Shawn's face as he stepped forward, causing me to step back.

"Using me? Using me? For what? I have no car, I have a broken, messed up family, I live in a trailer park and...and my ex-girlfriend dumped me because she thought I was sleeping around!"

The way he said the word ex nearly ripped me in half, but my blood was starting to boil.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, my girlfriend is waiting for me," he said before turning on his heels to walk back over to Jennifer.

I couldn't hold the tears back this time. They started to free fall as I ran out of Chubbie's. I could hear Topanga's voice calling after me and I could hear the clicking of her boots as she ran. She eventually caught up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. I tried to wrestle out of her grip but the emotions were too much to fight. I soon turned into a sobbing pile on a nearby bench. I didn't care about the cold, and neither did Topanga from the looks of it, all I wanted was to go home. I felt like I never wanted to see Shawn again, but I couldn't get him out of my head. This is what I got for moving into a relationship so fast. I should have waited, I had just gotten back. I felt hopeless. I knew that things were over with Shawn. Really, really over and there was nothing I could do.

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