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I wake up because of the sun hitting my face... And damn, I have a horrible headache... I think that it was too much clubbing... Wait this is soft...

I look to the side to realize that I'm caressing Kyle's bare chest... What is he doing without a shirt?! Hey... That's not the point here!

Why am I not at home, and why is Kyle sleeping next to me?! What the hell happened yesterday?! I look under the blankets and just as I imagined, we are both naked...

Oh God... We really did it... There's no doubt... And I can't remember anything... What do we do now? I'll fake being surprise and push him off so he wakes up... This is awkward...

-Joy: Okay, one, two three... YAAAH! (pushes him)

I wake up because of someone pushing me and crashing against the floor... What the hell?! It hurts! Damn it...

-Kyle: Yo... That hurted... (rubs your back)
-Joy: (covering herself) You, you need to e-explain me everything!
-Kyle: Don't you remember anything? (confused)
-Joy: Nothing... J-Just tell me... Did we... Did we do it...? (shy)
-Kyle: We did-
-Joy: (throws a pillow at you) Idiot! You said you would take care of me! I can't trust you anymore!
-Kyle: Joy, Joy, Joy!
-Joy: WHAT? (pissed)
-Kyle: You asked for it... Plus, I took care of you, I seriously did... You were about to leave and do it with another guy when I stopped you... You were totally drunk yesterday... (sighs)
-Joy: You knew that I was drunk, stopped me from doing it with another man, but still you did it with me?! (pissed)

 (sighs)-Joy: You knew that I was drunk, stopped me from doing it with another man, but still you did it with me?! (pissed)

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-Kyle: Hey, please chill... There's no need to yell... I didn't have any other option, okay?
-Joy: I'm sure you still enjoyed it... (looks down)
-Kyle: You did as well! It was not my fault at all... It was our decision... (sighs) Anyway, I apologize-
-Joy: We aren't officially together yet, I wanted to wait... (looks at you shyly)
-Kyle: H-Huh?
-Joy: You damn idiot, I think I kind of like you... A bit... So, uhm...
-Kyle: Can we date? (smiles)
-Joy: Yeah, let's date (smiles)
-Kyle: Great... (happy)
-Joy: But let's make like if what happened tonight, didn't happen at all... Okay?
-Kyle: Yeah, okay... I understand, let's do a reset and start all over... (smiles)
-Joy: Great, that's it... And now, why don't you walk me home? My eonnies are probably worried since I didn't sleep there...
-Kyle: Yeah, let's go... (smiles)

We left the hotel and start walking side by side to Joy's dorm... She seems to try to stay away from me, like maintaining the distance between us...

-Kyle: Uhm... Are you trying to stay away from me? (confused)
-Joy: huh? Why would I do that?
-Kyle: I don't know, maybe because you are still thinking about what happened yest-
-Joy: Shh... We said we would forget about it, didn't we? (smiles) I'm just wondering how should I walk now next to you, since we are dating...
-Kyle: Oh I see... Uhm, so... Do you want to hold hands? (smiles)

-Joy: Yeah, I was actually wondering if you would be okay with it

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-Joy: Yeah, I was actually wondering if you would be okay with it... (smiles)
-Kyle: Of course, I'm okay with any skin ship you try... (winks)
-Joy: (blushes) You... That was so smooth...
-Kyle: I know, right? (chuckles)

We then keep on walking until we reach Red Velvet's place... Joy takes the keys from her bag and opens it, she then waves at me and tries to get inside but I stop her.

-Joy: What's up? (confused)
-Kyle: Are you going to enter and that's all? (smiles)
-Joy: What do you want? (giggles)
-Kyle: How about a kiss? (points to your cheek)
-Joy: Smooth... (laughs)
-Kyle: Did it work-

She then gets closer to me and instead of kissing my cheek, she quickly kisses my lips. She then smirks and enters the house, leaving me dumbfounded...

Well I guess that it's also time for me to return back home... My parents are probably worried and they'll get really annoying when I return...

-Time skip until you arrive home-

I open the door carefully, trying not to aware anyone that I just arrived... O try to sneak to my room as fast as possible to my room, when suddenly someone grabs my shoulder... And yeah, now I'm dead...

-Kyle: (turns around) Good morning? (giggles)
-Mom: Good morning? (clearly pissed) Where the hell have you been?! Why didn't you return back home and sleep here?!
-Kyle: Listen Mom... I had some stuff to do and that's why I didn't return after clubbing... (smiles) But as you can see, I'm really okay... (srughs)
-Mom: With who have you been?
-Kyle: What? (faking smile)
-Mom: Who has kissed you? You have her lipstick all over your mouth... (pissed)
-Kyle: (embarrassed) M-Mom... I can explain...
-Mom: I knew that we shouldn't had allowed you to go out! I knew it, I seriously talked with your father about this... And he just kept "It's fine, he's an adult, he'll be fine" but this is not fine! You are punished, you can't leave home for a week...
-Kyle: (pissed) Mom you can't punish me... (rolls your eyes)
-Mom: Why not?! I'm your mother and-
-Kyle: Because I'm an adult! A fucking adult mom! You can't tell me what to do anymore! (leaves to your room)

 (rolls your eyes) -Mom: Why not?! I'm your mother and--Kyle: Because I'm an adult! A fucking adult mom! You can't tell me what to do anymore! (leaves to your room)

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-Mom: Fine, you'll see later! I'm gonna talk with your father and you'll regret doing that!

I close my room's door just to avoid keep on listening to her nonesense... Is it that hard to understand that I'm a whole grown up guy, free to take his own decisions? What if now I want to go out with Joy? That's up to me... Tch...

I head to where Donjee is laying, how can she be so peaceful watching the TV while our son is a rebel? I seriously can't understand...

-Sana: Can I know what are you doing?
-Donjee: Resting?
-Sana: Why aren't you taking care of your son?!
-Donjee: (sighs) Sana, we already talked about it... He's an adult, just let him be... Okay? (smiles)
-Sana: He spent the night outside! Outside Donjee! Outside! Alone with another alpha!
-Donjee: So? (smiles) Don't worry, I'm sure that the other alpha is not a bad influence... Just another alpha like me and Tzuyu...
-Sana: I can't help but to worry, Donjee... (hugs Donjee)
-Donjee: How about if we try to get to know the alpha? That way you'll feel better, right? (smiles)
-Sana: Like a dinner to meet his girlfriend?
-Donjee: Yeah... (smiles)
-Sana: Fine, let's do this, but you are in charge of telling your son... (chuckles)
-Donjee: (sighs) Fine...

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