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We went shopping so we could get better outfits for today's occasion... It kinda surprises me that Joy hasn't been clubbing yet...

She's already an adult and she's really popular... I wonder why didn't she do it before. Like seriously...

-Joy: How do I look? (smiles)
-Kyle: You look incredible (smiles) Are you ready?
-Joy: I'm kinda nervous... And thanks (giggles)
-Kyle: Just relax, think of it as a place to dance, sing, have fun and maybe drink... (smiles)
-Joy: Just, maybe drink? (suspecting look)
-Kyle: Well, not maybe... We probably drink something... (laughs)

With that, we wait for our turns, and later on, we pay our entrance... Once we are inside, we are greeted by the alcohol typical smell, and by all the heats and ruts scents...

-Joy: Woah, they smell hard...
-Kyle: Yeah, do you think you'll be able to control yourself?
-Joy: What do you mean?
-Kyle: Remember, this is not Farway, here we use the pills in order to control ourselves... (smiles)
-Joy: I'll try my best, maybe we should had taken some pills before coming...
-Kyle: You are right, but now there's no way back... Let's just try to have fun and ignore their scents, okay? (smiles)
-Joy: Yeah... (smiles)
-Kyle: Let's go for a drink...
-Joy: Sounds good...

We reach the bar and ask for two drinks... This looks great, my father didn't like going clubbing when he was young, but that's not my case... I really enjoy doing this... It is always interesting...

-Kyle: Here you go, miss (smiles and hands her the drink)
-Joy: Thanks oldman (smiles and takes a sip) Agh! It is strong...
-Kyle: (laughs) It is perfect for me... Let's go dancing...
-Joy: Yeah, okay! (smiles)

She follows me to the dance floor, and while drinking, we start moving with the music, this is fun, so fun...

-Time skip some time later-

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-Time skip some time later-

Okay, it was fun... I correct myself, it was fun... Now I think that Joy is totally drunk... What am I going to do?

She's just trying to hit on everyone... I would almost think that she's not just drunk, but also with her rut... But that's impossible, right?

-Kyle: Joy, Joy! Please stop...
-Joy: Let me be Kyle... This is fun... (laughs)
-Boy: Yeah, let her be... We may have some other kind of fun later... (smirks)

Disgusting. That's the first word that comes to mind when I look at that guy... What does he think he'll do? Joy is not gonna have any kind of "other fun" with him... Not while I'm here...

-Kyle: Dude, I think you misunderstood something... She's drunk...
-Guy: I know, I can notice that... And that makes it easier... So now, leave us alone... Tch...
-Kyle: Not happening, she's my girlfriend, you can't touch her... (serious)

What am I even saying? Really? Couldn't I think of something better than that? My girlfriend... I just need to play along that now...

-Kyle: You are the one bothering us, so leave already before I get angry... (serious)
-Guy: As if I were scared of you...
-Kyle: You should, I'm an Alpha... And she's my girlfriend... You can't take her... She's mine...
-Guy: Tch, you are an Alpha?
-Kyle: That's it, yeah...
-Guy: I'll let you be today... Tch (walks away)
-Kyle: Joy we are leaving...
-Joy: Huh? No way! I want to stay! This is so fun... You were right... (smiles)
-Kyle: Nope, I shouldn't had brought you here... It was a bad idea... Let's go...
-Joy: No! I'm staying here...
-Kyle: (pulls her) Let's go...
-Joy: No-

She trips and clashes against my chest... She's totally drunk... We should really return no matter what she says...

-Kyle: Okay Joy-
-Joy: Kyle... (looks straight to my eyes)
-Kyle: What is it?
-Joy: You smell really good (smiles and brings her hand to my cheek) you know, you are really handsome too...
-Kyle: (blushes) W-What are you saying?

Damn it! Why am I blushing if she's drunk? She's just saying those things because she's drunk, I shouldn't react like that!

Damn it! Why am I blushing if she's drunk? She's just saying those things because she's drunk, I shouldn't react like that!

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-Joy: Kyle...
-Kyle: Hmm?
-Joy: Look at me, don't avoid my gaze... (smiles)
-Kyle: I can't do that right now... (embarrassed)
-Joy: C'mon (forces you to face her)
-Kyle: What do you need-
-Joy: (puts her arms around your neck and whispers) I need you...
-Kyle: What-

And before I  could even react or answer, she smacked her soft lips against mines... What the hell? She shouldn't had drank... I knew it... This is getting out of control...

-Joy: I've been wanting to do that for so long... (giggles)
-Kyle: (blushes) We should leave...
-Joy: You are so annoying... (holds your hand) I want to spend time with you, you left me for two weeks in Farway... (pouts)

With that we left the club, and I decided to walk her home... I know that she's an Alpha and that nothings gonna happen to her, but just in case...

-Joy: Where are we going?
-Kyle: To your house...
-Joy: Do you know the address?
-Kyle: Uh...
-Joy: (laughs) I don't remember it neither... (clings on you)

Damn... Now what?! I can't bring her home, she's an Alpha and my parents would be totally against it... What should I do? I don't know where does she live...

-Kyle: Can't I contact any of your eonnies?
-Joy: Nope, my phone died and they are probably sleeping... That just leaves us alone... (smirks)
-Kyle: Joy please, you are drunk...
-Joy: Shut it, it doesn't matter, you said you would take care of me... (smiles)
-Kyle: Yeah that's true...

We then pass by a hotel, maybe we could-- No! Why do I even thought of that possibility? There's no way we would do that... Right?

-Joy: I know what you are thinking... (smirks) Let's go in... The night is young, and we can still have some fun...
-Kyle: But-
-Joy: (puts a finger in your lips) Today there are no buts... Let's go, let me take control today... (smirks)

Oh God, this is not going in a good way... I'm sorry everyone, just don't blame me if I'm not able to control myself...

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