Jennie shook her head. "No, because, she's going to find that certain doors and gates have suddenly bacome mysteriously locked. she's not going anywhere I dont want her to."

But Rosé pointed to the open parking lot. "What if she ran that way?"

Jennie then pointed to a huge muscle bound man standing at the corner of the parking lot. "That man there is Todd Hall, former defensive tackle for the Oakland Raiders football team. I hired him to make sure that Lisap did not go escape that way. He's been to the super bowl twice and very good at what he does, stopping people from getting past him."

"But she's still running." Chaeyoung
pointed out.

"She wont be for long." Jennie said as she sent a text.

With that Jennie walk slowly in the direction that Lisa had gone only a few moments earlier. as she casually strolled towars the school. Jennie could be heard singing part of an old song by The Police.

Oh cant you see

You belong to me

My poor heart aches

With every step you take.

Meanwhile Lisa was running through the school. part of her very much wanted to run, the other part very much didn't want to.

Thoughts of Jennie and how wonderful she felt the cat eyed girl was slowly filled her head. the conflict with in her was frustrating.

Adding to her frustration was the fact that somehow many of the security gates in school were suddenly down and locked.

They were gates that pulled out from the walls that blocked access to certain parts of the school. they were only locked at night. but somehow there were in place.

That and Lisa noticed that many doors were now locked. She knew Jennie was behind this, but had no idea how she managed it.

Suddenly her phone chimed with a text. her heart leapt when she saw it was from Jennie. but Lisa suppressed the feeling and read it.

"I do really love you. my feelings are real." It was a simple, heartfelt massage and not something Lisa thought Jennie would say, but she knew it was true.

Part of Lisa resisted, mostly out of fear. she kept moving down the hallway and came to another down gate.

As she went the other way she heard the distant clicking of Jennie's combat boots echoing down the corridor.

Jennie just calmly walked down the path that she knew Lisa would take.. the only path that was open to her.

Lisa knew now that Jennie, after overhearing the conversation yesterdays set her up. judging by the locked gates and doors, she figured that Jennie took no chances. though she found herself oddly impressed by Jennie's thoroughness.

"She cares for me." Lisa found herself thinking. the thing was that the feelings she was experiencing were real. just as real as any other feelings she had ever felt.

"Dont fight it Lisaya. were going to be great together." Lisa could hear Jennie's voice echo down the hallway.

Lisa found that her heart jumped at the mere sound of Jennie's voice. like a siren's call, she could feel the pull of it in her heart. Lisa also found it harder and harder to keep going.

LOVE POTION NO.23Where stories live. Discover now