Know Your Place

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The next morning, the new lion guard, Moyo and Nguvu meet not far from the waterhole. Nyota couldn't stop her body from tensing. She knew wasn't going to enjoy this. Everyone else in her team, however, didn't seem to mind the fact that they were being trained by someone who has never been in the lion guard or fought in any sort of battle at all.

Nguvu paces back and forth in front of the group, Moyo off to the side waiting to pitch in any advice that his brother may have missed.

"Now we are going to train you all so you know so you all know your strengths, how to work as a team and work on your weaknesses. The lion guard has been around for many generations and each and every team has never been forgotten but a very few have become legends. You five have very big footsteps to fill since some of you are related to Kion's lion guard," Nguvu explains.

"No pressure," Moyo says with a smile.

Nguvu orders to the group to do several exercises such as running, climbing, jumping and even lifting heavy objects. Siku was best at running but Nguvu pointed out that unless ordered to, he must stay with his team and his body was built for running, not heavy lifting. Kweli was best at lifting but running, jumping and climbing was obviously not were elephants were born to do. Wakati was a pretty good runner and excelled at jumping and climbing but since was relatively small, she couldn't pick up the lightest of boulders. Kimya couldn't run but she could fly fast enough to keep up with everyone. Also, egrets couldn't climb or lift heavy objects with their wings. Nyota could do everything relatively well but throughout the training, she had to constantly bite her tongue to keep her temper in check whenever Nguvu annoyed her.

By the early morning, everyone was exhausted. Looking at the tired and sweaty faces, Nguvu sighs and lets everyone have a break. Kweli, Siku, Kimya, Wakati and Moyo walk to the waterhole to have a drink and cool down. Nguvu was about to follow when someone pulls his tail to hold him back.

"Nguvu, we need to talk," Nyota says sternly.

"About what?" Nguvu replies.

"You're treating MY team like YOU are going to be their leader. I know you are training us but you need to still know your place".

"So what if I am? I know what I'm doing and you should appreciate that I'm helping. You don't have any experience."

"Well, neither do you. I don't even know why I have been wasting my morning listening to an amateur like you."

"Need I remind you that you need to work twice as hard in order to get everyone to respect you. It's not every day when a female is chosen to be the leader of the lion guard. There will be some doubts about you Nyota at first."

"Excuse me?!" Nyota snaps.

The others hear her yell and look over to see what the drama is.

"I am just as capable as my dad to lead the guard. If you don't see that, then why are you even here? I'll tell you why. Because you hope that everyone will see you as the leader and forget about me," Nyota growls, baring her sharp teeth.

Nguvu's mouth drops, "I didn't mean it like that! I was just trying to help! You can't expect everyone to look up to you just because you can roar. You need to work your way up".

"That's what I'm trying to do! You could learn a thing or two yourself! If you want to lead, you need to learn how to follow! If you want to know how to follow, you need to know your place!"

Nguvu and Nyota fall silent as they glare at each other. The tension was so thick you could easily claw your way right through. The silence was only broken by their heavy breathing.

"I'm done here. No more training," Nyota says calmly before turning and leaving.

The others look at each other, unsure whether or not to follow.

"Give her some time to cool down. She needs to be alone," Siku says.

Nyota makes her way back to the lair of the guard. She wasn't surprised to find it empty. She makes her way over to the pond that sat in the middle of the lair and leans down to take a drink but stops when she sees her own reflection in the water. Nyota sighs and splashes her reflection away. Nyota looks around the lair, looking at all of the stories past lion guards have created. Their adventures forever painted on these walls. The ones she played close attention to were the adventures of Askari and her father's lion guard. She puts her paw on the wall, hoping that something, anything will happen or give her the strength she needs. When the lair remains still and silent, she sighs and begins to sing.

Legends never die
When the world is calling you
Can you hear them screaming out your name?
Legends never die
They become a part of you
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness
Relentless you surviveThey never lose hope when everything's cold
And the fighting's near
It's deep in their bones, they'll run into smoke
When the fire is fierce
Oh, pick yourself up, 'causeLegends never die
When the world is calling you (the world is calling you)
Can you hear them screaming out your name?
Legends never die
They become a part of you (they become a part of you)
Every time you bleed for reaching greatnessLegends never die
They're written down in eternity
But you'll never see the price it costs
Scars collected all their livesWhen everything's lost, they pick up their hearts
And avenge defeat
Before it all starts, they suffer through harm
Just to touch a dream
Oh, pick yourself up, 'causeLegends never die
When the world is calling you (when the world is calling you)
Can you hear them screaming out your name?
Legends never die
They become a part of you (they become a part of you)
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness
Legends never dieWhen the world is calling out your name
Begging you to fight
Pick yourself up once more
Pick yourself up, 'causeLegends never die
When the world is calling you (the world is calling you)
Can you hear them screaming out your name?
Legends never die
They become a part of you (they become a part of you)
Every time you bleed for reaching greatness
Legends never die

Nyota leaves the lair and looks up at the sky. A few clouds covered the sun but other than that, it was a beautiful day. A bright light suddenly bursts through the clouds and takes the shape of a lion. Not just any lion.

"Mufasa?" Nyota asks bewildered.

"Yes, Nyota. It's me. I sense something is troubling you," says Mufasa.

Nyota quickly clears her throat and tries to regain her composure, "W-well, I guess there is. Nguvu keeps acting like he's the leader and he thinks I will never be as great as dad".

"He just wants to help. After years of saving you from your bother's outbursts of him being the future leader, he still thinks he has to protect you," Mufasa explains gently.

"I don't need saving," Nyota snaps.

"I know but you will always need someone watching your back. You'll show him you can do it. I believe in you".

"Thank you, great-grandfather. I needed to hear that."

"Your welcome," Mufasa says with a smile before disappearing.

Nyota sits down and looks at the sky where her great-grandfather disappeared. If he believed in her, that was enough for her to believe that she can do it and she will keep her head and spirits high.

Dawn of a new Guard #10Where stories live. Discover now