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Hello my lovelies! First chapter is up and I am so exited! Enjoy the story loves!

This world is one of conformity, you either fit in and the world is happy or you don't and they cast you out and shun you. You look around and everyone has their groups, The teenage girls who wear tube tops and mini skirts, the girls who wear large sweaters and leggings, or the girls that look like cows in all their leather. It's all very petty, girls fighting for guys attention and trying to out dress each other.  And then there is me, no friends, no boyfriend, nobody but a mother is too high to come down. I'm the odd one out. Always have been, always will be. I get a lot of odd looks as I walk down the street.  People staring, always staring. I would say I've gotten used to the attention, but I haven't, I am uncomfortable under all the scrutiny. Although CAN understand why they stare. My black hair contrasts starkly with my paper white skin. My eyes unusually large and an unsettling silver. My eyelashes match my raven hair and are just as large. My lips are naturally plump and the color of blood. It seems as though I'm wearing a full face of makeup, even though I never touch the stuff. If I do, it makes my face burn and breakout in an unseemly rash. Before my mother started popping pills, she would take me to the doctor to "find out what's wrong with me" but no one could ever figure it out, I was just a normal kid apparently. Though other people would have a different say according to the stares I get as I walk to my best friend Lily's house. We are going to work on our biology project due in three days. I round the last corner onto the street where Lily lives. I look around the familiar sidewalk that leads to the beautiful suburban home. Something feels off today, I can feel it, it's like a chill in my bones. Ignoring it, I walk up the front steps and open the door, Lily always leaves the door unlocked for me because she's to lazy to get up and open the door.

"Lily! I'm here!" I shout as I walk through the threshold. Receiving no answer, I walk up the stairs to her bedroom, expecting to see Lily dancing around the room blasting her favorite song through her favorite gold and silver headphones, as I usually catch her. But what I see when I walk in is anything but what I thought. Red. The room is covered in red. Hand prints on the walls, splatters covering her sheets and one large streak across the room, leading into the conjoining bathroom. 

"Lily?!" I hesitantly call, making my way into the room, carefully following the red across the floor. I thought that was the worst of it, but nothing could have prepared me or what I saw in the bathroom. There, lying halfway in the bathtub, halfway out, was Lily. Covered in blood with a large knife protruding from her back. I couldn't breath. I couldn't scream. I just stood there for God knows how long, staring at my best friends dead body. Eventually I snapped out of it when I heard the downstairs door opening. Screaming, I ran downstairs.

"Mr, Mrs Clemons!" I shout, still running.

"What?" Mr. Clemons asks frantically "What happened?"

"I- It- It's Lily!" I managed to get out. Mrs Clemons puts her hands on my shoulders. 

"What is it sweetheart?" She asked, I try to think of something to say but the words wouldn't come out. So I grabbed her hand instead and started to pull her upstairs. Reaching the top of the stairs I turned around. Finally finding my voice. 

"I just came upstairs and found her, I-I didn't know what to do so I just stood there util I finally realized what happened when I heard you open the door. I'm so so sorry. I don't know how I'm even still standing I-!" My rambling was cut short by Mr. Clemons grabbing my other hand.

"Sweetheart, what happened to Lily?" He spoke softly, like trying to get a six year old to calm down.Instead of answering, I just ran into her bedroom, stopping at the bathroom door. Just to see her dead body again, only moving away when I hear footsteps behind me. 

"MY BABY!" Shouts Mrs. Clemons. Running over to her and lifting up her head, just to drop it again. Mr. Clemons, on the other hand just sags against the door and stares in horror. Only moving to wrap a crying Mrs in one arm, dialing who I think is the police from the phone in his other had. I walk over to Lily's bed and sit in an un-blood splattered space with my head in my hands, refusing to look up. I don't look up when the cops arrive. Not when they came in and took her body away. Not when they tried to ask me questions. I only looks up when everyone was gone. When I was left alone in the room of my dead best friend. I get up and look around. Most of the blood is gone, half of her stiff is missing, and all that is left of Lily is a large puddle of blood in the bathtub. I don't feel. I don't feel anything, all the way home, I'm just an empty shell. Lily was all I had, and now she is gone. Eventually I made it to my door. I pulled out my key and unlocked it, dropping my shoes off in the little shoe closet. I walked up stairs and checked to make sure my moms still breathing. Sure enough, she's fine as always. Well, I wouldn't say FINE, she's breathing and at this point, that is all that matters. I walk over to my room and strip before putting on pajamas and hopping into bed. took me some time, but eventually I fell into a dreamless slumber.

YAY! I did it. OK that was it.

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