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Y/n's POV

I sat on my bed patiently waiting for my father to return home. The jacket was gone, I'd accepted that. Truly it wasn't even the loss of the jacket that upset me. Of course I cared for it, as silly as it sounds that jacket symbolized a part of my life that was dear to me. That album got me through some seriously rough times. I just didn't know how I was going to tell Gerard. He'll probably think I didn't like it or that I don't like him or that my father is some sort of psychopath. Which in retrospect I realize that last statement may actually be true. 

       I looked over at my phone and bit my lip.

       Should I call him? If I just explain what happened it shouldn't be a huge deal right?

I decided against calling him. I wanted to wait for him to call me and then somehow work the bad news into the conversation nonchalantly. I took a deep breath and leaned back to lay down. Rest was all I could think of doing at this point in time. Anything else was too disheartening.

Gerard's POV

I felt sick to my stomach. 

I wanted to chase after the strange man, but I knew he was already long gone. I didn't know what to do next. I felt helpless. I picked up the jacket and brushed off the dirt that got on it. I know she wouldn't part with this, it was forcefully taken from her. 

With a sudden rumble of thunder, rain softly began drizzling down from the gloomy sky. I held the jacket close to my chest and pulled my hood over my head. I pulled out my phone to try to call y/n. As soon as my gaze lowered to my phone I suddenly felt a hand clasp over my mouth and the barrel of a gun press against the side of my head. 

"Scream and I'll kill you. Fight and I'll kill you. I know you're unarmed and I know who you are."

My eyes widened with fear and the jacket fell out of my hands on to the muddy ground. Involuntary my hands reached up to the stranger's hand and tried to pry it off my face. The stranger whipped me in the head with his gun. I felt a stream of warm blood trickle down my face. Slowly, everything got dark and muted until I completely lost consciousness. 


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