The Writing On The Album

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Y/N's P.O.V

I breathed a breath of relief as I walked out of the backstage area to find b/f/n waiting for me. "Soooooo, how did it go?" She said with a wink. "Great! I got him to sign my black parade album." I pulled the album out of my purse and waved it in the air like I had accomplished something.

She smiled and then her smile kind of faded. "Wait, what is that?" I quickly lowered the album back down and looked at it. Not only did it have Gerard's signature on it, it also had a phone number. "Um, well it is a phone number." I said casually. Then out of no where she started screaming and running in a little circle. "SENPAI NOTICED YOU!" She screamed.

I grabbed her and clapped my hand around her mouth."Shut up! You are drawing attention to us!" She smiled her "evil" smile and stepped backwards. "Okay, I'll be quiet."

She stood in front of me biting her lip and smiling real wide like a little kid. I rolled my eyes, "It's probably one of those numbers that you call and they offer you merch and stuff."
"Or," She elbowed my stomach, "he could be into you!"

"Yeah I wish." I said rolling my eyes. "Call it y/n!" "Not yet." I said.

Time skip to when you are back home.
I set my purse down and then dramaticaly fell backwards on to my bed.

I closed my eyes to try to gather my thoughts, but the never-ending war inside my head raged on.

*The way he smiled...his eyes, did he really like me?

~No, i'm hopeless.

*But, he might have...

~Shut up brain you are being stupid again.

~He could never like me. I am ONE of thousands of fangirls that are in love with Gerard Way! Get over him already!

*No one ever said I was in love

~Well stay that way then!

I shook my head to dismiss all the internal conflict and reached over to my purse. I grabbed the album and stared at it. I took a deep breath and grabbed my phone. I quickly dialed the number on written with black sharpie on the album and held my breath.

An ocean of emotions surrounded me as I heard it ringing. Please pick up....wait no don't...what will I say?!....i'm pathetic....please pick up.....don't answer....please do something.

Then I hear a click and I hear a voice say "Mikey Way speaking, who is this."

I felt my eyes widen. real.

"Hullo?" I heard Mikey say. "Uhm, hi!" I say, "Is Gerard there?" I heard Mikey set the phone away from his ear and quietly say, "Uh, Gee there is some girl on the phone asking for you."
There was silence and then I heard the phone return to Mikey's ear.
"Uhm, yup, here he is." In the breif moment of silence I could feel my heartbeat excelerate and grow louder. Then I heard a familiar voice say, "Uh, Hey, Hello, is this Y/N?"

I smiled. I could tell in his voice he was nervous. Why would he be nervous around me though. I'm

"Yeah, hey Gerard."

Mikey Way's P.O.V.
I was casually scrolling through my twitter feed to see all the hype about the concert we preformed a few hours earlier when all of a sudden Gee's phone started ringing.

Since, Gee was in the "kitchen-ish" section of the tour bus with Frank I decided to answer it for him.

I answered the phone to find a girl asking for Gerard. I quickly called Gee over and asked him about this girl. He seemed to play it cool but, I could tell that he was suddenly excited about something. I handed him the phone and his face lit up.

He put his hand in his pocket and paced back and forth as he talked to this mystery girl. He was smiling and laughing. Honestly, I had never seen him that way before.

After about 15 minutes his phone call ended and he casually came and sat down next to me. I didn't want to be intrusive but I just couldn't help myself. "Soooooooo, who was that?"

"No one", He blushed. I rolled my eyes. "Gee tell me the truth."
"What?...she's just a fr-...i mean....okay fine...She's a girl i'm into."

I raised my eyebrows and smiled. "I knew it!" I shouted. "So are you guys dating?"

"No," He replied. "But we have arranged to meet up this weekend!"

Meanwhile, Frankie stood at the doorway with a disapointed look on his face. It was almost as if he was missing out on something he really wanted. Hmm, oh well...I wonder what that could be. I'm sure it has nothing to do with Gee. The world may never know.

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