The Note

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When I was, a young boy,

My father, took me into the city,

To see a marching band,

He said son when, yah grow up,

would you be, the savior of the broken,

the beaten, and the damned,

He said will you, defeat them

Your demons, and all your non-believers,

The plans that they have made,

He said one day, i'll leave you

a phantom, to lead you in the summer,

to join the black parade.


I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I had previously set my phone alarm to the opening of "Welcome to the Black Parade" by My Chemical Romance which was my favorite band. I would much rather hear their music than the murderous scream of the standard BEEP BEEP BEEP alarm.

Today was just going to be an average day. The typical wake up, eat, sleep, internet, more sleep, more internet weekend routine. Although I planned on going out to eat and then taking a walk around the park with my best friend b/f/n (best friend's name). I sighed and got up out of bed after the alarm finished its song.

I walked over to my dresser and grabbed a random clean shirt out ;it was my Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge t-shirt from Hot Topic. I put on my faded jeans and my classic black and white converse high tops and then headed down the hall to the kitchen and got all the things ready to make breakfast. I reached my hand over to open the fridge when I noticed something on the handle.

It was a note and two tickets were attached to it.

Dear Y/N,

Hey! So as you may have figured out by reading this note, I broke into your house late last night and planted this little gift on your fridge. What? Okay maybe not "break in", maybe more like I used a key that your mom gave me. None the less, I hope you are okay with going to this concert instead of going out to eat and going to the park! Meet me at the usual spot at 5:00pm! <3 Bye Bestie!



You grabbed the tickets and your hand started slightly shaking.

I'm going to a MCR first concert is an MCR concert.

I flipped the tickets around and gasped. "She got us backstage passes?!?" I couldn't help but say out loud. Making sure nothing would happen to the tickets, I gently put the tickets back on the fridge like they were the most valuable thing I owned. Forgeting all about breakfast, I sprinted over to the couch in the living room and immediately called b/f/n.

"Hullo?" b/f/n said, picking up the phone.

"Hey it's Y/n! How did you know?!"

"Well it isn't like it has been the only thing you have talked about for the last two weeks."

"That bad huh?" I said.

"Yup, you sure are a scoundrel." b/f/n said laughing.

I and b/f/n talked for about an hour and I started getting ready to go. I brushed my hair and put it in your classic f/h/s (favorite hair style). Tonight was going to be an exciting night.

~Time Skip To Concert~

I and b/f/n were waiting in the long lines out side when we finally reached the front. The large, intimidating security guard at the door asked us for our tickets, scanned them, and let us inside the large auditorium. Our area was front and center. Seriously, how did she afford these? I thought. We walked over to our spots and after a short wait the concert began.

I was really nervous, I was slightly shaking and my palms were sweating. I calmed myself by talking to b/f/n for a bit and then I saw them. Gerard Way, Frank Iero, Ray Toro, Bob Bryar, and Mikey Way all walked out on stage. I felt your heart start beating in your chest really hard.
Ever since I was young I had had a stupid little crush on Gerard...just like thousands of other girls. Once I got older I of course realized that I would never have a chance with him so I stopped fangirling as much, but I still liked him. I guess that didn't help much with my nervousness.

At the concert they preformed: Welcome to the Black Parade, This is How I Disappear, Mama, The Sharpest Lives, and House of Wolves.

In the middle of House of Wolves I fell right when people started jumping. B/f/n didn't notice me so she didn't help me, but Gerard noticed. He saw that I was about to be crushed. He stopped the song and told everyone to stop jumping. He asked me if I was okay and continued on with the show. I was so embarrassed.

*After the concert*

I walked backstage trying to forget about what had happened about half an hour ago.

" I can't believe it..." I thought. "Why would I fall like that? I guess I just got that I think about it...that has been happening a lot" I shook my head and dismissed my thoughts. B/f/n ran up behind me and tugged on my arm.

"Ready to go backstage?" She asked with a huge grin on her face. She was not really a MCR fan ,but I think she was just excited for me.

"Yeah..I'm ready... let's go!" She punched my arm and whispered in my ear, "Someone is finally gonna get to see her boyfriend!" She winked and ran down the hall before I could kick her to get my revenge.

I rolled my eyes and ran after her, knowing that what was about to happen would be something I would never forget.

Hello people! Thank you so much for reading this story! If you have liked it so far don't forget to leave a comment, a vote, or even a follow! Every vote helps a lot because it lets me know if this is the type of thing you guys like or don't anyways, enough of wasting your time...

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