The Jacket

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I watched helplessly from the window as my father drove away with one of the most precious gifts I had ever received.

What was he even going to do with it? He wouldn't burn it would he? No, probably worse. I know how strict he is.

After staring out the window hopelessly for a couple of minutes, I ran up stairs to my room and immediately called b/f/n. I was sure she was dying to know about the date, plus I had to have someone to rant to about my father and the jacket. After about three rings, she finally picked up.

"Hey Y/n! How did your date go?"

"It was good but-"

"Was it good? Was it great? Ahhhh! Did he kiss you?"

"W-what no..of course not. It isn't like that."

"Pfft, yeah okay"

"Just stay calm...I have a lot to tell you."

"Oh-Okay but....why do you sound so sad?"

I stayed silent for a moment.

"While on the date Gerard gave me a present, a special present. It was an actual, real Black Parade Jacket."


"When I got home I discovered that my dad had come home from work early. I almost got by with just a bit of yelling but he saw the box the jacket came in and..and he took it. Let's just say he didn't like it very much..and right now he is on his way to dispose of it."

"Wh-What? Oh..I-I'm so sorry."

"No. No, It is okay. I'm used to it. I've had to deal with it for eighteen years; Never being able to do anything or own anything I want."

"Well, where is he going? I can follow him and try to get it after he leaves."

"I have absolutely no idea; but it's okay..I don't even care."

That was a lie. I couldn't care more.

"Look, b/f/n.. I have to go but I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Wait! Wh- Okay then.....Goodbye."


Gerard's POV

I had convinced the guys to stay in this town until the weekend. It was nice here, and our next show wasn't until late next week so they agreed pretty easily. Right now the sky was a bit cloudy and it was cold outside; The perfect climate for us since we mostly all grew up in New Jersey.

   I checked my phone for any notifications.

Nope, she still hasn't texted me. Ugh, I should have given her a ride. I hope she made it home okay.....I should probably take a walk to clear my head.

"Hey guys I'm going for a walk." I said as I walked towards the tour bus door.

"Okay Gee just be safe." Mikey smiled.

"I will"

I headed down the street with no destination in mind. Every now and then I thought it was good to get out and just listen to the world. It was pretty quiet even though it was a fairly busy city. It was in a way, almost calming. It was a place where you could notice car horns and birdsong equally, something that doesn't happen often.

As I was walking down the road a car turned and rushed into a dead end alley.

What could they be doing down there?

My curiosity overwhelmed me so I decided to peek around the corner made of brick and look at the car. A man got out carrying a box. He looked behind him and quickly threw a box down deeper into the alley.

"Why that litterer!", I whispered to myself as I shook my head.

The man got back in his car and backed out. I quickly leaned up against the wall and pulled out my phone to look more casual. I couldn't have this guy know I was spying on him. He could be dangerous.

After a few minutes of waiting, and after the man was long gone. I cautiously walked down the alley towards the box. I had to know what he was so anxious to get rid of.

The box was a plain cardboard box, the kind that you could find just about anywhere. I knew that opening it was probably a bad idea, but I couldn't help it. I slowly lifted the lid of the box. Inside was a black parade jacket.


I quickly checked the tag.

It was.

The Jacket lying in front of me had belonged to y/n.

Oh my God! Is she okay??? What if she had been kidnapped by that man and he was here dumping her possessions.

I have to find her.

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