I shot him a murderous glare, then went and plopped down in the chair. Chris passed my food to Roger who passed it to me. "I thought you guys had a problem with me stealing your captain," I accused as I laid my food out.

"That's why we're stealing you too," the guy who led me here chuckled. "Now, just in case you don't know all the awesome names here, I'm Tyler, and this is Chris, Luc, Randy, Terry, and Leon. And of course, Warren and Roger."

The guys smiled and nodded as they were introduced.

"Great. Can I go now?"

"Truth or dare?" Luc asked, leaning towards me.

I raised a brow, taking a bite of my noodles. "Seriously? Right now?"

"You said you'd play with us," Chris pouted.

"Fine. Dare."

"Told you!" Roger crowed as they all burst out laughing. I looked around me, puzzled.

"Oh, baby, you're asking too much of our self control," Tyler said between laughs.

"She'll take a dare from us? Seriously?" Leon eked out, breathless with laughter.

"Pay up!" Roger said smugly.

"Where've you been all my life?" Terry grinned as they all handed Roger fivers.

I huffed and carried on eating as they slowly got themselves under control. Finally, Randy managed, "Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to -"

"Wait," I cut in, then glanced over my shoulder at Warren. He was leaning the chair backwards, rocking us slightly. "Stop rocking this chair. It's dangerous."

He shrugged. "You're providing anchorage."

I sighed and turned to Randy. "My mission?"

"Yeah, we want you to -"

I stood suddenly, my gaze resolutely on the table. The chair tipped back and I heard a muffled curse. The guys all stared, wide eyed. A beat passed, then two. I felt the chair against my legs even as Warren leaned into me. "Belle!" he warned in my ear.

I ignored my reaction as I felt his firm, hot body press into my back, his face in my hair, and simply sat down to continue eating. When the guys started laughing again, there were hoots and whistles.

"Damn, girl!" Terry whooped.

"Okay, this girl can handle you," Randy told Warren.

"And damn if I do not adore her!" Warren replied, the grin clear in his voice as he tugged on my hair. He vaulted back onto the chair.

"My mission?" I asked again. "Or is it my turn?"

"I'm not playing with you no more," Chris complained and they laughed again.

"Forget the game," Tyler said. "You're already in."

"In what?"

"The team. You're our honorary member."


"It's kind of like being a mascot, but without the silly costume so don't worry. You and Ashley are part of the team now."

"Ashley?" Is that why she always sat on the court during practice or games? Then, already knowing the answer, I sighed, "Do I have a choice?"


We all looked up as my friends burst into the lunchroom. They were so excited that they rushed to me, completely oblivious of who I sat with. They talked over each other about me going with them and practically snatched me out of the chair and into the hall. I laughingly tried to calm them down but I was easily drowned out. They set me down near a crowded notice board. Well, empty lunchroom mystery solved.

Content To Be Claimed (Beauty And The Beast #1)Where stories live. Discover now