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(So! Here's the sequel to his daughter! I worked really hard to make this at least a tiny but better..enjoy!)

~4 years later~


"Yes Payton?" I said.


I got up and looked at my daughter. She still had here bed hair and she still had her tinker bell pajamas on.

"Did you talk to him?" I asked. She shook her head.

"He said..it's somethin im..impor-tunt." She said slowly.

"Alright sweetheart. Why don't you go wash up and come back down for breakfast." She nodded.

It's been 4 years. I was 22 now and and raising a 4 year old. Being a teen mom wasn't easy at all. And Austin didn't take it to well

"You're what!" He yelled. I cringed but guarded my stomach in fear of something happening. "Oh that fucking bastard. I don't care if he can't keep it in his pants for some hooker but NOT my daughter. I'm gonna kick his ass." He said as he started pacing.

"Please dad! Please you can't tell him. You just have to help me leave." He nodded and hugged me. "I'm just worried about you. Just please be safe."

I yawned and stretched my arms over my head. That was 4 years ago and I don't know what was so important.

"Morning sunshine. How did you sleep." I sighed and put coffee in the pot.

"Payton had a nightmare about her dad last night. She thought he didn't want when in reality I didn't want him to know about her." He nodded and looked down at the paper.

"Look Erika. I'm not gonna beat around the bush here and just spit it out. Jack asked about you." I immediately stopped what I was doing and turned around. "What did you tell him?" I asked. My voice turned monotone and I felt more and more nervous.

"I told him you were doing well. Going to nursing school."

"You didn't tell him....anything else? Did you?" He sighed and looked down at his cup.

"I told him about Payton." He whispered. "But I didn't say anything about her being his! He has no idea. But he wants to see you. So I told him where you live and expect a visit in the next day or so."

I slapped my forehead and sighed. I so wasn't ready for this and I didn't want to face him.

I mean, what if he just recognizes that Payton is his?

What if he connects the pieces?

"I can't believe this is happening." I whispered.

"I'm ready momma!" Payton called as she walked in.

She tried to get herself dressed. But it didn't work out. She wore a light blue shirt, and yellow pants and had purple socks on.

"Do I look okie?" She asked. I picked her up and brought her to her room.

"You know baby girl. When you get dressed you have to match the clothing." I said while I picked out an outfit.

"Yeah momma but I couldn't decide which color to where. So I thought I could wear all three." She crossed her arms and pouted. "I thought it looked cool."

"No whining." I scolded.

"One of mommys close friends is gonna be coming over pretty soon and he wants to meet you. Are you ok with that?" I asked. She nodded. And let me change her into something more matched and fashionable.

I heard a knock on the door and picked up Payton and brought her downstairs.

"Is that him momma? Huh huh huh huh!" She exclaimed as I walked downstairs. I decided to ignore it since it was Saturday and probably just Jehovah's witnesses. They always came her and I hated it.

"I don't know baby but calm down. Ok?" She laid her head down on my shoulder and smiled. "You want breakfast?" I asked. She took a chair and stood on it and grabbed the box of lucky charms. "I want this!" She said. I poured her a bowl and let her eat it while I started cleaning.

I heard the doorbell ring and groaned. "Who is it momma?" I shrugged and walked to the door.

She held her arms out as a signal that she wanted to be picked up and I took her in my arms.

She looked through the peep hole and scoffed. "It's a boooyyy." She said and stuck out her tongue.

I opened the door and stood there. While it was quiet between us Payton decided that sass was needed.

"Excuse you mister but it's clean up Saturday not lets visit random people Saturday. Momma cleans up on Saturdays." She crossed her arms and turned her head and huffed. "I'm sorry sweetheart. But Im here to see your mom." He said.

"Well come in come in don't just stand there." I shooed him in and shut the door.

"It's been a while I said." He nodded and I held Payton closer in my embrace.

I just stood there. The silence was tense and awkward and I didn't know how to handle it.

"What's it been 4 years?" I nodded

"Who's this beautiful little princess right here?" He said and bent to Payton's level.

"I'm Payton. And who are you?" She asked

"I'm your momma's friend jack."

Her daughter (Sequel to His Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now