Note & Feedbacks

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Dun dun dun dun dun..........

Yep its not a new chapter, sadly, BUTTTTTTTTTT
I am making it soon so no worries.

I am making this chapter is because I want my readers to comment and give me feedbacks on this book itself, like the characters? or the way of writing or just basically ANYTHING.

I really really appreciate feedbacks as they make me improved more and more not like back then when I wrote a whole 5000 words about Chaos and Percy romance--

Anyways! Ignore what I said about Chaos and Percy, I want you guys to grade this book out of 10, and give me your HONEST feedbacks.

Thank you for reading this note, and I'll definitely read your feedbacks.

Edit: Oh yes, guys, tell me if you want me to do a face reveal :D

Salem Morte The DeathBringerWhere stories live. Discover now