Chapter 24: The Enduring Experience (Part 2)

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These are the only words I am replaying in my mind every second of this torturous drive. Elliot and Dan have been trying to soothe me with their polite encouragements but it wasn't really making a difference. All that's in my mind is what is going to happen now? I so want to just run away but as much as I'd hate to admit it, I am not proving myself a coward. People have done these things before, revealing secrets. Sure, they're much smaller than mines but everyone goes through the same pain and agony but most importantly, that perfect courage to share it to that one person you can trust the most.

Dan stopped the car and it was silent for a long time when he sighed, "We'll be here at all times." His whisper was way too much louder for this quite environment.

I got out of the car and started walking in my normal pace without looking back, a new found energy inside me. Excitement. It sounded ironic because just a few minutes ago I had been craving for it and now I'm dreading it. I walked along the trees and soon enough a smile was tugged on my lips by looking at the windy trees swaying my hair out of my face. It is definitely going to rain anytime soon so I should better be quick with it. I just hope he forgets to meet me here, regardless of the fact that I want to see him again for the last time.

"Mason." I whisper un-consciously when I see a distant figure by the bencch, almost near to the forest at the far end of the forest.

I literally crawled my way there, hoping he doesn't turn around at the sound of my boots on the pavement. It's going to be fine, you have prepared for this. I bet this is what students might usually say when they are on their way to the examination hall, but my tension is worst. God, this feels so suffocating, I released a long breath to calm myself down, shivering a bit at the cold wind whistling past.

I reached him, my footstep noises fading in the wind jostling all over my surroundings. He seemed to be far away in his thoughts, his foot lightly tapping the ground. I cleared my throat and closed my eyes, then re-opened them to see him looking at me, smiling slightly but then turning confused. Well, that was expected! I smiled a bit at him and he came over to me, his muscular figure blocking the moonlight to my face.

"Hey." I whispered without looking at him, he didn't reply, just stood there. I peeked a glance at him to see him utterly confused.

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "What are you doing here?" He spoke softly and calmly, not at all sounding rude. That part was expected too.

I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. I don't know how to answer that, I can't possibly tell him right here and there, I am supposed to take my time to say everything but his question has left me speechless.

"I-um....i-it's...a lovely weather, isn't it?" I looked everywhere except him. I expected him to smirk or tease me as he enjoyed' it but he laughed. It was like he had been stifling it for a long time, his laugh was contagious, it eventually made me giggle.

His body shook in his laughter but when he recovered from it, he genuinely smiled at me. "I know that X-mas Eve, but did you have to come here, from all other place on earth; to enjoy weather?"

"You seriously want me to go, I can." I turned on my heels but he and I both knew that I was in no mood to go. I had come here for something and I'm not going to go before I fulfill it.

I walked a few steps ahead but he didn't make any possible action to try to stop me. I looked over my shoulder to see him standing there, with his arms crossed on his chest and a playful smirk on his beautiful face. He made it look almost impossible to say goodbye to say that face that he was tempting me to. I mouthed "I'm gonna go," very clearly because he chuckled a bit then nodded, approving me to go. I held my chin up and started walking faster this time. Almost half way away from the forest, a hand grabbed my arm. I shrieked but it was muffled when a hand came over my mouth. This reminded me an immediate image of my first meeting with Mason, as Evelyn Rodriguez.

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