Chapter 18: Dalliot Progress

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Closing the door behind me, I took a sigh of relief as I now knew that my family hasn't arrived yet. I literally collapsed on the sofa sprawling and started unpacking my new iphone. Glancing at this beautiful device in my hands, I almost found it too hard to believe it to be mine.

"Temme your number." I asked Elliot. She gave me her number and I called her.

"Unknown number." She stared at her mobile confusedly and I rolled my eyes.

"It's me. Tell me the number you see." She had a realisation effect on her face then she told me my number. Luckily, it was easy for memorization but still I added it in my phone incase I forget it. Elliot sat besides me with two cups of coffee. I smiled at her thanking and sipped on it.

"Today was fun." I stated and she nodded. "How are things between you and Dan?" Her smile faded and she looked down. Her lips were formed in a straight line and she shook her head. I got my answer right then and I nodded slowly.

The knock on the door made us snap our heads towards it. Quickly ascending upstairs, I heard the door being opened and Dan's over joyed voice booming from downstairs. I shut off my mobile phone and hid it in undergarment section of my closet. That was the safest place I knew my Mom would never search for. That's where all my letters are hidden too.

I walked downstairs, slowly picking and dropping my feet to the ground and peeking towards the living room to see if Elliot and Dan might need some alone time but much to my dismay, they both were far apart sat to each other like two strangers or maybe enemies in a room. What caught my attention, was Elliot's clenched jaw and her chin up like she didn't have a care in the world or like secretly telling Dan 'I'm so much better without you'. For some odd reason, this made me smile. Like she is standing up for herself, like she doesn't care what the world thinks of it. She's an independant woman and she's proud of that. The way that I wish I can walk in the streets alone. To have my head held high and my shoulders relaxing backwards. My footsteps strong and just and a sly smile on my face. To show people that I am somebody, that I might be worth something.

Erasing my thoughts and putting a smile on my face as always, I walked towards them and greeted Dan to which he replied solemnly. That was weird. He was out all day and when he sees me, he doesn't even glance at me. I wonder if he's still afraid of me that I might shoot him daggers for his plan. I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked at me blankly. His face was so devoid of any emotion or expression that it just made me feel like an empty soul staring back at me and I hissed a little and removed my hands from his shoulders.

I was more than glad when the door opened and in came my loud family. Immediately, it put a smile on my face. Andy and Blair both had loads of shopping bags and so did Mom. I didn't know if they were gone to buy books or to buy material for making a book. Andy came up to me and handed me a shopping bag.

"This is for you." I grinned at him and was about to thank him when he cut off. "Don't flatter it, it was Mom's idea," and so he walked away, leaving me gawking at him which made everyone laugh. I looked inside the bag and my grin vanished. Inside was a bouquet of flowers. Not just any flowers but jasmine flowers.

"I knew how you always wanted a jasmine flower bouquet so we bought you one." Just by hearing this, Elliot choked on her coffee and I choked on just air. How did she knew about that. I've never mentioned about it to anyone before but...

Ah! Mason. His letters, explains alot actually. I took out the bouquet and smelled it, closing ey eyes and just enjoying the hypnotising scent of jasmine flowers. I swear if it was just a little stronger, it could've been an anesthesia for me.

"Thank you Mom, I love you." So I hugged her and she hugged back. Both of us letting each other know that we have no hard feelings towards the other. And how could we. She was my mom, the woman who brought me to life in such a young age. And I was her daughter, her first daughter to be precise. The only girl who gave her the privilage of being called 'mother'.

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