『Episode 4』

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Episode 4: Zombie! Zombie! Wherefor Art Thou Zombie?

December 17th

Hestia sighed, a contented expression on her face, "Thank the Lord it's just us today."

I nodded in absolute agreement, "Hopefully today is less...eventful than the previous ones."

We were waiting in line at a movie cinema, actually, waiting in line at the only movie cinema on Île Petite. It was one of those old cinemas, with a plush carpet and fancy golden chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

Since yesterday was so hectic, Hetty and I decided to relax and go see a movie. As it was the only film on that day, we had no choice but to watch Contorted Bodies, which was some weird zombie movie.

The cinema was surprisingly sparse that day, five or six other people milled around and there was one cashier.

We bought a choc top (or a 'chocolate dipper' as they call it in Île Petite, I know, weird right?) each and a large box of popcorn to share. We didn't bother with drinks; we had a thermos of hot tea in my bag.

"The theatre will be pretty empty today," the cashier said, as she handed us our food.

I smiled, "That sounds perfect."

"Really?" The cashier twirled her blonde ponytail, "I think a packed cinema's so much better; there's usually more audience reaction."

Hestia and I glanced at each other, "I think we'd like some peace and quiet today," Hetty informed her.

She shrugged, "Suit yourselves."

"Thanks, uh," Hestia squinted at her name tag, "Miranda."

"No problem, Hope you enjoy the movie, that is, if you enjoy watching flesh get blended and eaten."


I made myself comfortable in the plush chairs.

"You know," I mused, "This isn't very Christmassy."

Hestia shrugged, "It's still something."

The movie began.

It really was a weird movie; it followed these zombies,  who ran a zombie restaurant that served people as food. The small audience watched gleefully as human flesh was blended, mashed, diced and sliced.

Even I, who wasn't a huge fan of these kinds of films, was enjoying it. I chewed my popcorn with anticipation, my eyes were glued to the screen and then...CLICK!

Blackness enveloped the room.

The audience groaned.

Another movie goer, who seemed like an older man, rose from his seat. "I'll go get someone," he informed the room, in a gravelly voice.

There was silence, and then Hestia said, worriedly: "Do you feel that?"

"Feel what?"

"Well, more like not feel, I think the heating's been turned off."

The guy had gone to fetch help, had returned with Miranda.

"All right folks!" she boomed, "power's out, so I'm gonna need you all to leave."

There was a chorus of groans and a low rustle of unenthusiastic shuffling, as the scanty crowd began exiting the theatre.


A weird feeling of dread formed in my stomach, the kind of prophetic feeling you get right before something really, really, shitty happens.

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