『Episode 2』

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Episode 2: One Beautiful Dog is Better Than a Thousand Beautiful Faces

December 15th

True to what we had said the previous day, Hestia and I headed into the Île Petite village. We had no particular plan, so we meandered around looking in shop windows and taking in the cosy atmosphere of the place.

The Île Petite village itself feels like something straight out of a cheesy Christmas movie. The town is blanketed in thick snow, and the stores are all in revamped buildings from the 1900s. Each store is festooned with pleasant Christmas decorations. And, I kid you not, everything smells of food; roasted chestnuts, rich stove top coffee and sweet warm sugar.

I revoke my previous statement about having no particular plan. Great Grandma Emmaline did request that we pick up a new collar for her cat, Mr Pawington.

That request was what caused Hetty and I to wander over to a sweet, unassuming little veterinary clinic.

"Hetty look at window!"

For the holiday season, whoever ran the clinic had decorated the window with cute Christmassy stickers, red and green collars and pet clothing were on display. A cherubic stuffed Santa-cat grinned at me. I noticed a poster stuck on from the inside, in candy-red swirly font, it proclaimed: Annual Christmas Dance! December 23rd! 

"Yes, yes, Dot it's lovely. Now let's get inside, I'm freezing."

I rolled my eyes, "It's not that cold."

For someone who has spent their entire life living in the tropics, I have a surprising affinity for frostbite inducing weather.

I would never admit it to Hestia, but it was nice and warm inside the clinic. A bell made a cheery tinkling sound as we walked through the door.

"Be there in a minute!" called a voice from somewhere out the back.

Hestia motioned to a display of colourful collars on the reception desk, "Let's look at those."

"I like this one," she suggested, holding up a salmon pink collar.

"I don't think Mr Pawington is particularly interested in pink."

"Male cats can wear pink."

"I know..."

"And he's white, it would look good against his fur."

"I guess, but I prefer this one." I picked up a midnight blue one with a golden bell, "I think it looks smart."

"How can I help you ladies?" A small, curvy woman came bustling in. She had short brown hair and was expertly holding a tiny tortoise shell kitten. 

"Hi Cara."

"Hestia, dear, how are you?"

"I'm good thanks, we're just getting a new collar for Mr Pawington, his old one broke."

"Lovely. And who's this?" queried Cara, finally noticing me.

"My cousin, Dorothy. We have all the family up at the house for Christmas."

"I go by Dot," I said quietly.

"Oh your accent is adorable! Where are you from?"


There was an almost tangible silence.

"How's the clinic been?" Asked Hestia, in an effort to make conversation.

"It's been a tough week, actually. My assistant is ill, so I've had a lot of extra work to do. The dogs haven't even been walked today."

There was an awkward beat in which no one spoke.

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