7 (continued)

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I fell asleep finally.

3rd person.
In Nathan's coffin he suddenly woke up. He gasped for air. "I didn't die." He lost his breathe talked again. "I'm immortal. That's it!" He says then starting to laugh.

"I've got a power! I BLOODY KNEW IT! IVE GOT A POWER! HA-HA WHOS LAUGHING NOW!" He yelled. He started to breathe heavy then realised he was buried.

"Ah! YOU BURIED ME ALIVE! YOU DICKS! HELP!" He said banging on the coffin. But no one heard him since he was 3 feet underground.

"I'm immortal." He said not excited anymore, "Thats just great. Thank you! Thanks a lot!" He looked at his iPod that y/n but in and out the earbuds in. He played some music to relax him. Not to suprise, it didn't. "Un-fucking-believable..."
Your POV
Monday came by sooner than I thought. Before community service started, and after I got dressed, I sat outside by the river, and smoked. I then saw a paper airplane land on the ground.

I picked it up then looked around. There was no one else in sight. I opened it and it said 'ho to his grave.' I called Simon to come out. He got Curtis and Alisha for me. "Could be a trap."
He said.

I grabbed the paper back and read over it. "Great. We're here five minutes and somebody's already setting a trap." Alisha said to Simon. "It's to early for this bullshit," she continued.

"It's a wind up. Who uses a paper airplane?" Curtis asked. "Well, whoever it is, they're going to get a slap." Kelly said. "I don't think you should slap him." Simon said to her.

"To her, that's like saying hello," Curtis commented and Alisha laughed. "Um, are you trying to say something, yeah?" Kelly respondedZ "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL OF YOU ASBO FUCKING SHITHEADS!" I yelled. They all looked suprise as I rolled my eyes. Then some guy walked out.

"Who are you?" Alisha asked. "I'm your new probation worker." He said. "Well what happened to the other one?" Kelly asked.

"Well, apparently she's missing or something," he responds with attitude. "Now, I know this is where I'm supposed to make a big speech about paying your debt to society and making a difference; but seriously, we've all got things we'd rather be doing." He said, as I rolled my eyes.

"Going to see your mates, a little recreational drug use, making love to your beautiful Italian girlfriend, yeah?" He says directing the last one to Simon and me. "Um, she's not my girlfrie~" Simon starts to say defending us but the pw didn't care.

"Now let's just get through it and not talk about it, alright?" He asked then walking inside the centre. "This is going to be fun," I say to Simon sarcastically, he laughed a little though.

"Who are they?" Curtis asked seeing a bunch of people drawing and painting on canvases on easels. "It's an art therapy class." The pw says.

"Uh, you mean they're mental?" Alisha asks, as I shake my head. "Do you want to say that a bit louder? I don't think that weird looking one," the pw starts to say directing to a psychotic lookihg woman, "at the back heard you."

"Look, just try to treat them with some sensitivity and respect, ok?" The pw asked as we all nodded our heads. "Sooo, what do you want us to do?" I asked. "Well, for starters you can paint over that price of shit," he said pointing to a painting that is on the wall.

After we finished our hours for the day we all went to Nathan's grave. I wished he was alive so much. But mostly I wanted to know what the others thought. So I wished to read their minds and I did. I don't exactly remember what everyone said specifically.

"Well, this is a complete waste of time." Alisha said out loud. Alisha, Curtis, and Kelly left. Simon, stayed with me. "Y/n?" I looked at him. He made a motion with his head that meant come on.

I nodded and followed him. As I was walking away, I heard Nathan's voice in my head. I stopped my in my tracks and listened. 'Take it to the edge...'

Simon noticed I stopped. 'Oh! Pull it back. Pull it back.' I heard Nathan's voice again. I turned to look at his grave in confusion. 'Oh! Make it last, you little tease. Okay. Crank it up, crank it up.'

'Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah...' "Nathan?" I said in confusion looking at his grave. 'You love it, you beautiful bastard!' I turned back to Simon who looked worried. "He's alive." I said to him. Simon walked over to me, "y/n, he's dead, you saw him." "I know, Simon, but I heard his thoughts! You have to believe me!" I said to him.

"I do, y/n, but we don't have a shovel." "Let's go get one then." I said. Simon agreed and as we were walking, he intertwined our hands. The thing was, it felt right. But, I liked Nathan... but, at the same time, Simon gave me the same feelings, he made me feel safe, loved, wanted, and overall happy.

2 chapters in one day? I think so! Hope you liked! HEEEE'S ALIVEEEE! I am laughing while I'm typing this. I'm sorry. This chapter is pretty cheesy.😂😂😂😂

Words: 1548

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