Jennie suddenly looked very hurt and sad. "Dont you want anyone to know how much I love you?"

The sight of a sad looking Jennie, made my heart twitch. I couldn't leave her like this. I had to improvise.

I grabbed her hands and smiled. "Because I dont want to share our love with anyone. c-cause its such a super secret special love. so you pretend you still love Bam, but I'll be happy to know that you really love me. like you came up with the word Jenlisa, its our super secret word for our super secret special love."

A tear came to her eyes. "Oh my gosh thats beautiful. you're wonderful. I love you." she said quickly. At that moment she moved to kiss me, but I was saved by the bell.

"Oh snap. I'm late for class." I ran for the door, again dodging her kiss. "Remember, super secret special love."

She nodded with a smile as I exited the broom closet. one thing I'll have to admit it that its fun being able to manipulate Jennie Kim.

She's puddy in my hands. its a nice change of pace. I'll even admit I do like the attention a tiny bit. I just have to keep things from getting out of hand until I figure out a way out of this.

The next class was math, which went uneventfully. As I exited the room I ran into Bambam.

I looked apologetic as possible. "Hey Bam, I think Jennie is sick or something. she's not quite herself. I know what she said to you was rude." I said quickly before he cut me off.

"Oh that, about "Like I care about you." thats nothing, she said that to me before. you're right she does seem a bit off today. maybe I'll see if she wants to go home."

I nodded vigorously. "Yes, take her home. she needs rest. lots of rest. she'll be back to normal in no time. dont worry."

At this point I decided to move on before Jennie spotted me talking to Bam. the poor boy will end up with several missing teeth.

Sure enough I turned a corner and ran into Jennie. she winked and said "Hey secret lover."

I stopped and replied with a fake smile. "H-hey Jennie."

"Think about me?" she said expectantly .

"Uh.. its kind of hard not to at the moment." I said truthfully.

She leaned in and whispered, "You're wonderful."

"You are too Jennie-shi." I said playing along.

"Ohh, gotta go to class." Jennie said before she took off.

I heard a laugh from only a few feet away. looking over I turned to see Jisoo, who was leaning against a locker. "If I didn't know better, you look like your enjoying this. you do make a very cute couple."

I just rolled my eyes and kept going on to class with her following along, as she was in the same class. I'd fooled Jennie and kept her from breaking up with Bam, but I was not closser to getting out of this mess.

But strangely enough, as I got out of that next class, I spotted the Gypsy girl who sold me the potion standing in the hallway. I immediately ran up to her.

"What on earth did you sell me!" I barked.

"Yeah, my dumpling friend is broken." Jisoo explained.

LOVE POTION NO.23Where stories live. Discover now