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This was going to happen eventually, there's no escaping it


Object Class: Safe

(That's right, you must contain this monstrosity)

Special Containment Procedures:  031 is to be locked up in a standard containment thing. Nobody is allowed to look at 031 directly, and use. the. goddamn. intercom system.

Description:  031 is a shapeless uh, thing. 

(I don't know what it is, OKAY? And at this point, I really don't want to.)

 "Testing of recovered tissue samples has shown that SCP-031 is at least partially composed of human muscle and epidermal tissue."

Epidermal Tissue is the stuff on the outer layer of your skin by the way

I'm having somewhat of a mental breakdown right now, so have a quote from the wiki.

"Subjects directly perceiving SCP-031 will see it as an individual the subject(s) knew and had a romantic attraction to at some point in their past."

Okay I'm back, so basically, if you look at it, 031 will look like someone you 'loved' at some point.

I don't know what that's all 'bout, I'm Aro/Ace, but sure. I guess.

After that, 031 will attempt to convince the subject to stay a while. Not in a weird way. I hope.

Here's another quote because awsedtrfygyhijoklfnwe8r09oi

"After inspecting the residence, SCP-031 may attempt to start a romantic relationship with the subject and if successful it will begin living in their home. Several cases have been documented where SCP-031 began to actively affect more than one subject at a time, eventually having a nest containing between at least eighteen different hotel rooms containing subjects with some form of relation to SCP-031."


so basically, 031, if allowed, will try to start a 'romantic relationship' with the subject and uh, will try to live in their house/apartment



just why

Addendum: News just came in, Aro/Ace people are not affected

Aro/Ace people: *Exists*

SCP-031: Am I a joke to you?

Note: Guys, *sigh* sorry, I'm kinda tired. Sorry once again if you didn't find this chapter very entertaining. That's fair.

SCPs but they're explained by an idiotDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora