After a few minutes passed {y/n} was still eating her cheesecake when Karasuma came in, he held a more serious look than normal. Actually, he seemed to be bothered by something. This concerned a few kids.

Karasuma took a deep breath, "We are going to have a please be on your best behavior" he says, rubbing his temple from the headache that was forming.
"Who is this visitor?" Kayano asked
"Well...-" just as Karasuma was about to say who it was, there was a loud slam of the door. Jumping from the sound a giant buff man walked through the door with a huge smile plastered on his face.
"Hahah! I've arrived through the main door!" All Might says while laughing.
"Woah!!! It's really All Might!!?" "What is he doing here!?" The class erupted in praises.
"Haha! It's good to see you guys are so enthusiastic! I'm just here to pick up a certain someone...there! Young {l/n}!"

The class gasped as they faced the American girl. Meanwhile she was too busy eating the cake to even realize what's going on. Karma kicked her chair and growled.

"How'd you meet All Might?" He says into her ear
"Huh?! Um I ran into him.." she says with slight confusion.

Karasuma walked to the back, gently grabbing her. {Y/n} rushed to make sure she doesn't drop her cake, but she follows Karasuma into the hall

"What the hell he means he's here for me?" The girl asked as she glances at All Might
"Ugh the government was bombarded with U.A principle regarding you. A lot of legal actions they are trying to take. So we made a compromise" Karasuma glared at his phone at the email that was sent to him regarding the matter
"Um hello?' Does anyone ask me for what goes on in MY life?!" The girl growled
"I don't like any more than you do. But the general thinks it's a good idea too. Being with them can help you use your powers better so we can defeat the octopus, have the upper hand"

The two looked inside to see the class laughing with All Might

"I guess..I mean All Might may  know to control an inherited power.." The girl thinks it'll be a helpful experience since he is teaching Izuku about One For All...

Meanwhile All Might picked up on the girls little comment. "Young Midoriya was right.. she does know.."

The two sighed. Walking into the class room, {y/n} took a deep breath. "I am ready to go with you" she says, taking a bite of her cake.
All Might clapped his hands, "Hahah! Splendid to hear!! Shall we get going? We can't have you late on the first day!" All Might started to make his way out the room, {y/n} was nervous; she had no idea how the class would react. She glances at Karma before she left the room, his hand signaled the phone; meaning to call him if anything happen.

In the car ride—

{Y/n} and All Might sat in silence, she ate her cake without spilling it over from all the bumps that the car was hitting, it was frankly getting on her nerves.

"Hey!! Can you try and not hit so many potholes please!!" She yelled at the driver, he nodded frantically and started to drive somewhat better.

"Haha young {l/n} should it really be a good idea to eat that as your breakfast?" All Might asked while looking at the sugary cake
"I need sugar in my body when I take my um medicine. It helps my body adapt better" {Y/n} says while taking another bite of her cake.

All Might looked at {y/n} weirdly, not really buying such a story.

"Well I didn't see in your records that you take medicine; in fact there isn't anything about you? Why is that? I'm sure you are fully aware of that fact don't you?" All Might wanted to know why there is no records for a child who was clearly in front if him

"Listen All Might...I know you are a hero and your job is to save people but there are things happening behind closed doors that even you cant stop...and I just so happen to be dragged into this horrid mess." {Y/n} spoke with a sour tone, And this didn't go unnoticed by the number 1 hero.

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