5 ~ A Yellow Face

Start from the beginning

He suddenly turns his gaze back up to me as if he just realized something. "Please don't tell me you went out like that."

I give him a sheepish grin, "Ok I won't tell you I went out like this."

He glares at me and angrily says, "Godammit, Thea."

I, however, only stare at him in confusion, "Why are you angry?"

"It's just that you're showing so much skin and... and I'm not there to protect you and glare at all the guys who look at you with the wrong intentions," he grumbles, looking down while his anger fades out into sadness and guilt.

"Hey! Look at me!" I scream at the screen.

"I'm really happy that you care so much but you know I'm eighteen now, I need to learn how to take care of myself."

"Yeah I know, sometimes I forget you're growing up... I remember when you were the size of the tomato and I used to help change your diapers-"

"STOP!" I cut him off but his eyes sparkled with mischief as he stared at me and there was no turning back but Lucky reaches mischief mode

"Remember that one time when you had a crush on this guy in fifth grade and you puked all over him when you were trying to confess or that time when you were celebrating your 12th birthday and you fell-"

"La La La, can't hear you!" I cover my ears and sing while he snickers at my reaction but his snickers eventually evolved into laughter and he laughs so hard that he slips off the bed.


"Bahaha!" I clutch my stomach and dissolve in laughter making sure to stay away from the edge of the bed unlike him. As I hear him groan and are him slowly crawl back on the bed, I try to control my laughter.

"Are you ok?" I ask, still giggling.

"Yeah, never been better," he deadpans, giving me a sarcastic, tight-lipped smile as he rolls his eyes, muttering curses under his breath.

After I finally calm myself, I remember the fact that I still have to eat so I take a big spoonful.

"How's college by the way?" Lucky asks as he rubs the back of his head.

I quickly swallow, "It's amazing I have an awesome roommate, I already made some friends, I like all the teachers..." I start with no sign of stopping. All the while Lucky listens to my ramblings with a smile on his face.

"...I also decorated my room, wait let me show you." I stand up, showing him my room then I walk outside to show him the living room and kitchen. Just as I turn back to return to my room, the front door opens and Lexi strolls in.

"Hi," she says, throwing her bag on the couch.

"Hi, Lexi! Meet my brother, Lucky, this is Lexi and Lexi, this is Lucky." I announce as both of them wave at each other.

I turn the screen back to me, "I'll talk to you later, ok? I love you"

He smiles, nodding. "Hate you too, just kidding I love you, bye."

"Well, your brother's hot." Lexi comments, taking a huge bite out of a chocolate bar which shows out of nowhere.

"Sad to say, he's taken."

She immediately frowns "Why are all the good ones taken? Why God? Why?"

I only chuckle, "Well I'm gonna go shower, you go freshen up too, and then we'll have dinner."

With my hair wrapped in my towel, I come out of the bathroom and to the kitchen to see Lexi there, her elbows propped up on the counter and her hair also wrapped in a towel.

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