🌶 Dabi 🌶

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A/N: I was gonna post this on my birthday, but my friends forgot and I spent the night crying instead of editing. Hahaha, there I go over-sharing. Also, requests are closed this week.

Warning: Child Neglect, Unintentional Abuse.

Imagine: 16 Going On 17

The One Where, Best Friend!Touya Todoroki, Loves [Y/N] Yagi.


You wake, little girl, on an empty stage. For fate to turn the light on. Your life, little girl, is an empty page, that men will want to write on... To write on... You are sixteen going on seventeen. Baby, it's time to think! Better beware, be canny and careful-- Baby, you're on the brink! You are sixteen going on seventeen. Fellows will fall in line.


You could say you lived a cushy life. Being the daughter of Toshinori Yagi, or rather All Might, meant you had everything you could need. Your father gave you all the necessities you needed. Food? Clothes? Shoes? You name it, you had it. He gave you more than the necessities. He gave you the best things.

You felt that he gave you the best things to make up for him being absent. You knew that as the world's best hero, people needed him. He was meant to save people, he was supposed to be there for the world. Sometimes you needed him to be the world's best dad instead. You needed him to be there for you. You needed him to be there to care for you.

He wasn't home half the time. He didn't know what was going on in your life. Instead, he chose to throw himself into work and push nice things your way to make up for it. It wasn't always like this. When your mom was still alive he was there. He was present and active in your life.

All the time people would tell you, you looked just like your mother. You couldn't help but feel he pushed you away because you reminded him of her. Sometimes you wished that you had died not her. That would be better than loneliness.

Your only friend in this lonely abyss was Touya Todoroki. Despite complications between your fathers, you'd managed to stay friends. You suppose you both felt lonely.

"Hey, Touya."

You ran ahead on the street you were walking on so you could walk with Touya on your way home from school. You tripped once you reach him. At the sound of his name, he turns and gives you a small smile, grabbing onto your arms to steady you.

"[Y/N], you need to be careful, I'm not always gonna be here to save you from falling."

You frowned, sometimes when you talked with Touya it felt as if he was gonna be gone one day, leaving you behind. The frown is easily replaced as you remembered what you came over to ask Touya.

"Sorry... I wanted to ask you if you'd go with me to a party tonight."

"Who's party?"


Touya gives out a sigh of displeasure and frowns.


"Why not? He was really nice when he invited me."

"Guy's like [Name] only want to use you."

"Just because a guy shows interest in me doesn't mean he wants sex. Is it that hard to believe someone is interested in me?"

Touya stops walking and pushes your hair behind your ear. He cups your cheeks and guides your head into an upwards position towards his face.

"[Name] isn't capable of being interested in anyone. He just wants to fuck. You're too good for him, sweetheart."

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