Ch.1: The Invitation

Start from the beginning

The building stood about a good 10 stories tall maybe more, and their was a noticeable golden shine to it. The front entrance looked very lovely, a water fountain drizzling water and the hedges that seemed to be the most beautiful color of spring green. All to quickly the excitement left as you we're slightly pushed forward, Toad slammed into the front gate, Luigi held out an arm ready to catch you but you held yourself tightly against the seat.

Once the bus came to a complete stop you gave a weak smile toward Luigi before you were ushered out of the bus, Peach holding your hand gently as you watched your stuff being carried by the toads. You didn't really like the idea of anyone having to carry your weight but You knew Peach would only scold you. You looked up at the building, feeling like you were only a centimeter tall as you walked up to the doors. Glancing back, you made sure Luigi was fine as he stepped out of the bus. Pulterpup following close behind the male. You gave a soft giggle as the pup did circles of excitement around him.

Peach gripped your hand as you watched Mario open the doors tilting his cap as Peach quickly walked in, a noticeable gasp escaped her lips as she stepped through the front entrance. The room could be fit for royalty, which was accurate considering Peach fit that description.

"Wow! Would you look at this place (y/n)! It's magnificent!" Peach cupped her hand to her chest, her voice raising in pitch as she twirled. 

You nodded trying to contain your own excitement. Your (e/c) eyes scanned around the large room still breathless, the one thing that caught your eye first were the pictures of you, Mario, Luigi, Peach and Toad. It made you smile knowing they seemed to show their gratitude toward your arrival, but it faded slightly noticing you were the center piece. You shook your head, trying to stop your mind from over reacting and decided to pay more attention to the rest of your surroundings. There were stairwells on either side, the check-in center between them as well as the worker behind the counter. They seemed to stare at you once you glanced around.
You shook your head and look to your left noticing desserts and food, alongside a glass swan statue on a table. You walked over noticing a note, "help yourself." You felt your stomach grumble as you reached for a pretzel, the crisp texture made you gulp down the drool that was building up. You hadn't realized how hungry you were until now, the bus ride must have really made you build an apatite. Before you could take a bite of the delicious bread you were caught off guard by confetti popping out from the sides of the pictures. You watched the pretzel fall to the floor and glared, the world was now against you. 

You heard a chuckle from your side, "I think you should take a slice of cake." You rolled your eyes at Mario, and took an apple and bit into it, "I think you need an apple." Mario let out a half hearted laugh and grabbed a slice of cake, "Not a chance (y/n)." before the Italian could shove the slice into his mouth you watched as the ghostly pup jumped out from the table and ate it.

You covered your mouth feeling some apple juice leave your mouth as you tried not to choke. "Oh come on!" Mario playfully glared at the pup and you, you tried to hide your blush feeling anxious about being stared at. And just as quickly Mario looked behind you and waved,

"Hey bro!" You felt your body shudder as you swallowed the rest of the apple pieces in your mouth turning to Luigi who was smiling brightly at his brother. 

You wasted no time in take a few bites from the apple and giving it to Pulterpup, who also had eaten the fallen pretzel, before moving away from the brothers conversation.
You walked over to another open room on the left. Immediately you noticed someone standing behind the counter on the phone, not wanting to engage in conversation you didn't look directly at them, instead you looked in the center of the room to see wrapped presents, flowers and balloons. You walked over and softly picked up your favorite flowers, which they surprisingly had. You shyly put them up to your nose and took a gentle sniff, the sweet scent of (favorite flower) made your insides warm and your nose tingle. You didn't realize anyone was watching you until you heard their voice booming in your ears,

Luigi's Mansion 3: Luigi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now