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Todoroki awoke with a start. Where was everyone. He was alone on the couch. He sighed went he heard the bedroom door creak open. They must have went to bead without him.


"Hello baby." I say. He walks over to Todoroki and sits on his lap.

"Kacchan's hogging the bed." Todoroki nods understandingly. Izuku leans back against his lovers chest and starts scrolling though his instagram feed.

"We should visit Uruaka and Tsu and tell them about our engagement." Izuku says suddenly. Shoto jumps slightly at the sudden noise but quickly relaxes.

Todoroki nods and looks at the time.

"It's nearly 10am how are we planning to wake them up?"


The door slams against the wall and the bed dips down as Izuku jumps on top of the two sleeping boys.


Everyone in the room burst out laughing at Bakugo's comment.

Flustered, Bakugo managed to squeak out, "I meant kill not kiss..."

"Oh I think you meant kiss." Izuku says as he captures Bakugo's lips in a sweet and savory kiss. The kiss was like fire and it felt so good, so addicting. Izuku couldn't stop. Bakugo pulled away first.

"Everyone else is going to get jealous if you keep this up." Todoroki snickered at Bakugo's side comment. Deku drew his lips into a pout.

"C'mon, get dressed. We're visiting Tsu and Ochako."


Knock, knock, knock

The mahogany door swung open to reveal Ochoko in a pink tank top and pink, fluffy pajama pants. She looked up at the group tiredly but that soon changed when she recognized them.

"Deku!" She said in her energetic sing-song voice. "And Todoroki, Kirishima, and Bakugo!"

The four boy smiled at her as she called to her girlfriend who was seated on the loveseat in the living room. Tsu hops over and hugs all four of them, at least, tried. Bakugo is obviously not a hugger.

"Come in." Tsu croaks out. Nobody is sure my Tsu sounds like she's always sick but nobody questions it.

The four boys sit on the couch in their normal order. Bakugo on the far left. Then going right it's Kirishima, Izuku, and Todoroki on the far right.

Tsu sits on the loveseat to the right of the couch, curling into a ball.  Her girlfriend walks over with a plate of cookies.

"So how is everyone?" Ochako asks in her bubbly voice.

"We're doing great, thanks for asking." Todoroki replies.  He puts his arm over Izuku's shoulder, lightly touching Kirishima's neck.  Tsu soon noticed the silvery rings they were all wearing.  She leaned over and whispered something in Ochako's ear.  She gasped and covered her mouth.

"Oh, yeah, we're also all engaged now." Bakugo deadpanned.

Ochako squealed so much that Tsu had to wrestle her to calm her down.

"That's great guys!" Tsu finally commented when Ururaka was under control. "We're both happy for you!"


"Bye guys!" Izuku calls out as they leave to catch the train to their house. 

The train was packed full of people.  It was hard not to press against someone the "wrong" way.  Kirishima was pressed against Bakugo.  Bakugo put his head on Kirishima's shoulder and Kiri nuzzled back into him.

They squeezed their way out of the train station with a large crowd of people.  They walked a few blocks down and got to their house.  Bakugo, Kirishima and Izuku went straight to bed but Todoroki stayed up read on who knows what.

It was normal for Todoroki not to go to bed until later.  The other three were worried but they thought he was just being a bit distant...

614 words! Wow!
What do you think?
I'm having fun!
-author <3

Four of a Kind ~ Todobakudekukiri FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant