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I've had a lot of tea, let's do this

They all sat down in a booth in the far corner of the restaurant.  All of them were nervous, each for their own reasons.  They were twenty one now, having been together for five years.

The waitress came around and they all ordered water, they wanted a clear head for their date.  Todoroki and Deku grasped hands underneath the table.  Bakugo and Kirishima scanned the menu trying to find something to order.

The waitress came back with their drinks and took their orders.  The whole time they had been sitting at the table they hadn't said a word to each other.  Thick tension hovered through the air around them.  Kirishima fiddled with his shirt collar.  Bakugo observerved others in the restaurant.  Todoroki and Deku were solely focused on their hands underneath the table that they didn't notice Bakugo get up out of the booth.  Kirishima gave him a questioning look but he just brushed him off.

When he returned a few minutes later he was acting strangely nervous.  At this point Todoroki and Izuku noticed.  The food arrived and they slowly ate in silence.  Not a word was muttered until about halfway through the meal.

"Someone needs to speak.  I can't fucking propose in silence."  Bakugo said loudly, intstantly regreting his word choice.  Him being as loud as he is, the whole restaurant heard him and were now listening intently.

They all had a mixture of shock and pure joy on their faces.  Bakugo gets out of the booth and get on one knee in front of all of them.

"Will you all do the honors of marrying me?"  Bakugo says, loud enough for just them to hear.

Izuku breaks down crying nodding ferociously.  Kirishima quietly makes out a yes.  Todoroki slips out of the booth along side Bakugo and pulls out a box with four rings in it. 

The restaurant bursts into applause despite it being a gay, and a polyamorous relationship.  Izuku puts an engagement ring on Kirishima's finger and Kirishima does Izuku's.  They catch each other lips in a sweet romantic kiss, not noticing that Bakugo and Todoroki were doing the same thing.

After that they all got free dessert.  It was chocolate cake with blue and white frosting.  As the boys divulged into the cake they were reminded of how much they love each other.

Not as much as the last chapter (I only his 400 words in this chapter.)  Yes this all happened in a dream of mine.  I'm going to update soon but it's 00:35 (12:35am whatever works) and I kinda want to sleep.

-Author <3

Four of a Kind ~ Todobakudekukiri FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora