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The BBQ (Late Afternoon)

You see Tom and he smiles goofily at you, him and Harrison are both sat in swim shorts on top of the shed. It was a rare hot day in the U.K and they took full advantage. You blushed as you saw Tom shirtless, you knew it was wrong but he didnt seem to notice. He jumped down and seemed to look at something behind you,

'Sophie!' He yelled, you rolled your eyes at Harrison who was looking her up and down. You had to be honest, she looked nice, she wore denim booty shorts paired with a neon bikini top and a white shawl, Tom was all over her. You walked over to his mum, Nikki, and she started asking questions about Sophie and you just shrugged your shoulders as you didnt know anymore than her,

You casually strolled up to the shed and Harrison helped you up on top.
'Hey! Guys, this is Sophie, my girlfriend,' Tom says and she laughs and squeezes his arm,

'Hi,' i say briefly while Harrison smiles kindly. You all spend about 10 minutes getting to know her and then Tom places his hand on her waist and then they go over to his parents, they seem to adore her. You sat watching sadly, as you seem Tom go and sit with Sophie on the rocking seat, they seem so happy its hard to be mad. He hugs her tightly and they laugh as Tessa tries to jump on them.

'Y/N, you in a bit of a trance there, love?' Harrison waves his hand in your face, he had been watching you just stare,
'Oh..' You say as you wobble almost falling off the shed, Harrison's hand lands under your back tightly and you giggle. He looks at you with a hint of love but you dont see it, you are blinded by Tom. You are so clumsy it's kind of worrying.

'Whoa, thanks,' you smile,

'No problem, im not exactly going to let you fall off, am i?'

'Guess not,' you laughs he lifts you back up gently.

You didnt realise but Tom had been watching you as the accident happened, he felt a weird sting when Harrison touched your back and lifted you up, he was watching you laugh and smile at Harrison and felt so strange,
'Tom! I cant speak if you're not going listen!' Sophie yapped interrupting his train of thought,

'Well, then lets not speak, darling,' He laughed and began kissing her, she wrapped her hand around him. Tom's parents, took one look and darted inside, his brothers were asleep in the sun and couldn't care less, but Y/N saw, and her jaw dropped, she was feeling a pit open in her stomach. She looked into Harrison's eyes and then lent onto his shoulder.



'Do you love him?' Harrison turns and tucks your hair behind your ear. You look at him then turn away,


You jump off the shed and walk towards the house, you slow down as you get to the couple, you pull a face, Tom looks at you out the corner of his eye thinking you dont see, he keeps kissing her knowing you are there watching,

'Oh gosh, get a room before you fucking swallow each-other,' you shake your head and walk over to tend to the BBQ,

'Shut up Y/N,' Tom half-laughs as he pulls away from Sophie,

'That was quite a show bro,' Harrison rubs Tom's head, scruffing up his hair,

'Come here Harrison!' Tom starts running after him trying to squirt him with a water gun.

'Hey Y/N,' An American voice rings out behind you,

'Oh... Hey Sophie,' you mumble, 

'Isn't Thomas amazing AND hilarious!' She giggles loudly,

'Yeah, he thinks he is!' You joke, letting out a small laugh, you know that Tom hates being called Thomas and chuckle to yourself.

'Why are you being so rude to him?' She puts her hand on her hip not understanding your joke,

'Im not?' You roll your eyes and grab two burgers for your friends, you walk over to them and smile.

'Oh, thanks Y/N,' they say as they're wet through from their mini fight,

You sit down on a small chair and Harrison walks over to you and lies on the grass next to you, Tom sees him and lies the other side of the chair, you look down and begin to laugh, in minutes you are in fits of laughter and you cant stop, you and tom keeping making happy eye contact. Harrison is watching you laugh with a grin on his face, he is falling in love and you dont have a clue.

Your laughter is interrupted by a haughty voice,
'Tom i dont want to sit on the floor come and sit on the bench with me!'
For a moment he doesn't reply and then suddenly looks at her,
'Ok, Sophie, dear, lets go,' he places his hand on your thigh as he gets up and you think 'damn, my best-friend never seemed so cool' tingles run through your body when his fingers leave your skin. 

You watch Tom walk away in awe, Harrison just sighs and stands up, 

'I'm going inside,' He walks away without looking back, you sit on your own for at least a half an hour just cuddling in the sun with Tessa, until you noticed Harrison was stood at the door watching you, laughing. 

'WHAT YOU LAUGHING AT!' You shouted throwing a burger bun you pulled off the table at him, 

'Nothing, nothing, you've just been sat there for at least half an hour doing nothing, that's all' He shrugs his shoulder and coughs, he looks to his left and sees Sophie getting up, he takes an awkward step back as she hugs Tom, she hugs Harrison as well and he looks at you in shock. 

'Ok, bye, bye now,' He pulls away and Sophie shouts,

'Byeeee, see y'all later, bye Y/N, MWAH!' you scream back at her,

'MWAH! MWAH! MWAH! BYEE!' you were mocking her so hard and Harrison let out a burst of laughter because she didnt even realise. 

Late Evening 

Harrison had left about 10 minutes ago and all of Tom's brother's had gone inside to watch Strictly Come Dancing. You and Tom were sat on the grass staring at the starless sky, all that was there was the moon.

'Are you alright?' Tom asked and he put his hand on your knee, shivers ran up your spine and you smiled at him, you missed you simple conversations,

'Yeah, your girlfriend is very nice,' 

'Oh yeah, I think I might be in love with her, but I'm not sure if she loves me back,' He sighed and looked at the floor, those words hurt your heart, you wished he felt things like that for you,

'Tom Holland, any girl would be crazy not to be in love with you,' Your eyes glisten and you rest your head on his shoulder,

'You really think that, Y/N?' He squeezes your leg, 

'Of course,' You smile and you move closer to him as it's freezing, 

'You want my hoodie?' He picks it up and hands it to you, 

'Thanks, oh my gosh,'  You put it on and pull the sleeves over your red hands, he grabs your hands and pulls them close,

'I love you Y/N, you're my best friend,' You kind of wanted him to say it without the "you're my best friend" part but, it's baby steps,

'I love you too, Tommy'


hope this was what you wanted to see please comment and vote it means so much to me, also share the story with a friend! message or comment any ideas you want to see luv from Millie xo

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