Chapter 8

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The chatter in the dungeons silenced as the class of Gryffindors entered, immediately complaining about how cold it was. Aspen kept her eyes trained on the desk before her as the sound of footsteps grew louder and closer. The stool next to her screeched against the cold stone floor and someone sat down next to her. She swallowed hard, almost afraid to see who it was. Aspen's eyes flicked up past the sheet of black hair to see... him. Her gaze quickly returned to the table as her heart lept into her throat. Harrison's eyes flashed with concern but he soon turned his attention to (enter teacher name here). Aspen managed to talk to Harrison as little as possible during the whole lesson, but near the end of class, he finally approached her with the question.

"What's going on with you?"

Aspen scoffed harshly and clenched her teeth, speaking in a low voice. "You're acting like I did something wrong."

"I didn't-"

Aspen quickly stood up and scooped up her books before stomping out of the class. Harrison stood up and followed in close pursuit.

"Hey!" he barked, grabbing her arm. "What the hell did I do to you?"

She spun around and jutted her chin out towards him, but she kept silent. Aspen couldn't give another reason.

"Well?" Harrison snapped.

"You reminded me of someone I used to know."

"And that's why you're running away from me?"

Aspen scoffed and spun around, beginning to walk away from Harrison.

"Why are you running away?!"

"I'm not running away! And you're acting like I'm your girlfriend or something," she snapped. "We aren't even friends. At least, not that I know of."

That shut him up. Aspen stared up at him with a cold gaze for a few seconds before continuing to her next class. Harrison stood frozen in the hallway. A few snickers could be heard from passing students which knocked him out of his trance. The Head Boy rubbed his temples before storming off to his own class on the other side of the castle.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2019 ⏰

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