Chapter 6

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Aspen locked her fingers together, but quickly pulled them away, crossing her arms harshly and holding them close to her chest. She must have gone mad. Why was she even meeting him? She could have just not come. And if Camelia found out... was this worth the risk? Aspen knew the answer but still felt confused. It was almost as though she was drawn to him. Or maybe it was fate, being that they always seemed to run into each other, despite the abnormally large campus they shared. Aspen huffed, her heart beginning to race in panic as she neared the field. It was a bad idea. Maybe she should just turn back.

"Hey there! I wasn't sure you were coming,"

Too late now.

The field was quiet and empty, like a ghost town compared to the events of yesterday. Aspen looked up, spotting Harrison only a few feet from her in his uniform from the other day. He had a large trunk settled next to him along with his own broom.

"Well, I had nothing better to do." she retorted, turning her head away defiantly.

"Sure," he laughed, shaking his head. "Then again, you're pretty boring reptile so I don't blame you."

Aspen huffed again, her head staying faced away from Harrison. She almost jumped when he slid into her view.

"You're gonna need to look at me to get some actual information. And maybe a little entertainment," he winked, a cocky smile spreading across his face. Aspen scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Please. I'm not as easily swooned as the other girls may be,"

"That makes this even more interesting,"

Aspen let out a harsh laugh but didn't respond, a lump of embarrassment forming in her throat. Harrison bent down, opening the trunk and pulling out the ball they were using to score points the other day.

"The Quaffle; used for scoring. Keepers stand by the goals to make sure the other team doesn't score. Though, you probably already know this."

"No," Aspen mumbled, looking away once again.

"What was that?" Harrison's head snapped up. "Speak up, snake."

"No. I don't know about Quidditch," she snapped, turning her head back towards the Gryffindor.

"Huh. Do you live under a rock? Or maybe in a dungeon, is what I should say. Isn't that right, snake?"

"Can you knock it off?" Aspen hissed, taking a bold step closer to Harrison. "Our house doesn't define our personalities, genius."

"Feisty," he smirked. "I like this side of you."

Aspen clenched her teeth and cracked her knuckles anxiously as she felt heat rise up to her face. Harrison chuckled and slammed the trunk shut.

"That's alright. We can just work on the broom part of the game. Ever been on a broom before?"

"No," Aspen repeated, lifting her head.

"Kinda guessed that. So, you just have to pick up your broom. And it's simple. All you have to do is say 'up' and tada," Harrison demonstrated, his broom flying into his hand even before he uttered the word. Aspen's eyes widened in surprised. Holy crap. He held out his hand and she hesitated before moving closer to him.

"Then you just have to mount it, like this." he swung his leg over the broom and looked back at Aspen. "See? It's that simple. Now you try,"

Harrison dismounted and looked to Aspen again, raising his eyebrows. She stared him dead in he eyes, but her gaze slowly moved to the rest of his face. His snake bite piercings glimmered in the early morning light, as did his eyes She panicked a little inside, knowing she was staring for too long and her focus quickly switched to the broom. She held her hand out and tried not to shake as she calmly and confidently spoke.

"Up," the broom wavered for a couple seconds before lifting into her hand. A look of pride crossed Aspen's face and she gave a little smile, hesitantly swinging her leg over the broom.

"There. Now put your hands here," Harrison took her hands and slowly moved them closer to the end of the broom and away from her body. She swore that she going crazy, his hands lingering on hers. He slipped up behind her, his face incredibly close to her ear. His breath traveled down the back of her uniform, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on edge. Aspen felt his hands on her hips and she could feel how red her face was. There was a moment of realization and her vision was dusted with stars. She panicked and stood up abruptly, tearing away from his hands. Her heart was racing as she stumbled back away from Harrison.

"I'm done, I'm done, I'm done." Aspen gasped, moving father away from him. Her eyes were almost wild and she whirled around, hugging herself tightly and mumbling. "I need to go,"

Harrison was left in her dust as the feeling of guilt slowly crept into his stomach. He looked to the broom lying helplessly on the grass and he picked it up. Maybe it was a good thing, getting her to stay away from him. That's what he wanted... right?

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