Huge Contest!

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Hey guys! It's been a long time! And I apologize, i have been SOOOOO busy with school,friends, studying, and just life in general. So this is a huge contest, because I was thinking of making a second account, and I want a partner with it. So here is the form to apply to be the second writer! Note: This account will be fore Pewdiepie, Cry, Tobuscus, ect......Gamers on youtube in general.


Account name you would suggest:

Teen, or adult? (Suggestion: Teenagers for the partner)

Why you should get to be my partner:

Some gamers you would want to write about:

Are you funny,random, amazing writer, ect.? (None of those are requierments, but it woul help!)

Send this to me in a message so that way no one can tell who has applied, or how to be better and what to write to get the job, cause I want this to be fair, and equal. So creat a message to me, fill out the "form", and this contest has three weeks, maybe less depending on how many "applications" i get. So good luck, enjoy, and the next chapter shall be up after the contest is over (so that way, no one skips this!)

May the barrels be killed by the bro in a corridor,


The Game of Love: A Pewdiepie Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now