Recollection of a Dream I Once Had

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**Warning: Mentions of murder & blood. Also, improper grammar.**
***Note: This dream messed me up for awhile, so I wrote it down.***

A group of people crowd around a fatally wounded man on the earth's ground. The wounded man has dark ebony skin, a chiseled complex, and no hair. Most importantly, he has glowing, blue eyes. Blood is seeping through his white shirt and spilling onto his blue jeans.

"Would you like to see your family?" a voice asks. It is no one's voice, but it feels like everyone has said it.

The man sits silently until the answer croaks out of him, "Yes."

The man finds himself under a sea of goopy, pink liquid. At the bottom of this sea appears to be a black dog and a litter of matching pups. With closer inspection, the dogs seem to be mushy. Flakes of their skin are gooping off like a lava lamp and rejoining their respected host. They all have his glowing, blue eyes. He kneels down to properly inspect the litter, gently running a hand down their backsides. He eventually picks up one of the pups and looks it in the eyes, rather he looks himself from long ago in the eyes. It fights to get back to his mom, so he lets it swim away.

"I'm ready to die now," the man informs the voice.

The man now sits in an elementary school's hallway. His legs are tucked into his chest, and his arms are holding his legs in. He appears to be rocking, ever so slightly. He is battered and bruised. Lacerations display themselves on his skin. Everything about him is ashy and dull, except his glowing, blue eyes. Even the glow of his eyes seem pained. They have seen more than his body has endured.

Across from him is a blonde woman. She is cheery and bright. A big smile sits on her face. She sits with her legs criss-crossed.

A black-haired man wearing a lab coat and a brown-haired woman approach the two.

"They are going to tell you four different sets of clues. Tell me which one is an improper set of clues." the black-haired man tells the brown-haired woman.

The blonde woman says two separate clues. A big smile is on everyone's face, except the blue-eyed man's.

"There is a stick. The seaweed is cut. The sand is wet from the ocean. Someone watched me die." the blue-eyed man murmurs.

The blonde woman says one more clue.

The brunette points to the blue-eyed man, "His clues are improper."

"But the stick is broken," the blue-eyed man objects. Everyone is silent. The two women disappear. "Who killed me?" the blue-eyed man asks.

"Doctor Eduardo Sernesto. He did stuff like that." the brown-haired man shrugged, "Would you like to see your friends?"

The blue-eyed man nods.

The man is standing in the middle aisle of a wedding. The man realised that the bride and the groom are two of the people that surrounded him when he died.

The man briefly goes to a new house. The same bride is there, and she is unpacking boxes. The man sees himself enter from a hallway and wrap his arms around the girl. She smiles and kisses him on the cheek.

He is back at the wedding. The same girl is still there, kissing someone who isn't him: the groom. He remembers that the groom had a girlfriend that passed away before him. He remembers that he was friends with the groom.

The brown-haired man appears, "If it makes you feel any better...he's going to die too."

They are back at the school, standing a foot apart as they stare at each other.

"Where are you going?" the brown-haired man angrily asks the blue-eyed man. The blue-eyes man is confused.

The blue-eyed man is now on a small island in the middle of the ocean. He notices the bride standing five feet away from him. She's staring at him, but she's not really looking at him. There is tall seagrass. It covers up to their knees. The man takes a step forward and crouches down to pick something up. He is holding a young, black dog in his arms. It is not as young as the pups, but it is not as old as their mother. He is not goopy. He is solid. He seems to be a normal dog, yet his eyes glow blue. He props it against his chest and lets it lay there. It's eyes start to fade until the glow is gone. The dog's eyes are now a dull grey.

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